this forum

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I'm new here, and I just wanted to say how pleased I am with this entire forum. It seems that the musician's forum is a little different from the bands, in the fact that no one is belligerent with each other. It seems like everyone helps everyone else, and doesn't put down on anyone for their style or choice of music. Just a thought.
Oooh better not read "melodic death vs death" or "best guitar riff(s)" then :D
Yeah those "melodic death versus grind-noise nu-core experimental death metal with a cherry on top" posts are quite...annoying...
Originally posted by Extortae
Yeah those "melodic death versus grind-noise nu-core experimental death metal with a cherry on top" posts are quite...annoying...

Basically because people such as Phyre wrote extremely long, angry replies defending a style of music they don't even care for. Go figure.
People have a hard time hencing the humour in some posts and takes it far too fucken personally. It´s like that everywhere. As mentioned, arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.
Well, I'm here to salivate over others equipment, and don't really care what anyone plays as long as they like playing it.

And has anyone else noticed that people into music have old clothes that fall apart? Somehow that new pair of trousers is insignificannt to the shiny silver pedal of the gods that you have to have becuase it is, err, well, shny :D (guess how I came across my wah pedal :) )
The BEST tech forum on the net is the Official Jackson Guitar Forum... I hang out there A LOT!

This place ain't to shabby either.