This Godless Endeavor Guitar Tone??


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
A buddy of mine just got a Krank Revolution.

Hes looking for the settings Nevermore used in the studio for This Godless Endeavor. I know they Dual Tracked Jeff and Steve with a Mesa and the Krank.

From what steve told me they ran Jeffs C7 Elite Through a Tube Screamer into both amps. I have the Settings for the Mesa but not the Krank.

Any help would be apprecitated.

Da Fukn Guru
here you have mendel :)

Silicon Diode Setting
Bold Setting
Red (Modern) Channel

Treble: 11.30
Mids: 10 O'Clock
Bass: 11.30
Gain: 12:30
Presence: 12.30
Master: 10 O'Clock

For the tubescreamer
Drive: 9 O'Clock
Tone: 10 O'Clock
Level: 12 O'Clock
Death_Work said:
here you have mendel :)

Silicon Diode Setting
Bold Setting
Red (Modern) Channel

Treble: 11.30
Mids: 10 O'Clock
Bass: 11.30
Gain: 12:30
Presence: 12.30
Master: 10 O'Clock

For the tubescreamer
Drive: 9 O'Clock
Tone: 10 O'Clock
Level: 12 O'Clock

thank you so much !
Yea steve and jeff both said They thought they were the same settings from Dead Heart just mixed with the Kranks.

Just going by what im told. But i would definitely like to have the settings from both amps for TGE... This is probably my fave guitar tone to date on a nevermore album. It breathes a little more than the tone on DHIADW .... just my preference.

Da Fukn Guru
Slightly Off topic but I saw Nevermore in Dublin (that's in Ireland for all you Americans :wave: ) last night. Missing Steve as he had a death in the family, but they were truely awesome. Tiny venue (300ish), packed to the roof. So cool. Soooo cool.