This guy makes black metallers look bad.


- (girl) I hope you can speak again now
- (first dude) Anyone has the number of a good ear, nose and throat mediciner?
- (girl) Seams to be a bet, hum?
- (second dude) Your performance was 100000% perfect, but this is a songcontest
- (girl) Scream again (<-- jokes on a advertisment for post: "Schreib mal wieder" = "write again sometime"
She says: "Schrei mal wieder" - "Scream again sometime")

But his performance was not too bad, what do you think? :-D

(note the 100000 % - ain't it typically starmania? )
He sounded like a shitty version of Maniac from Mayhem. Maybe he would sound a little better behind some music. But I don't know what the whole corpse paint thing was. Naglfar doesn't do all that stuff (he was doing a Naglfar song I think). He also kept running out of breath.
I started watching Crayon Chin Chan this week, now I cannot stop laughing at your avatar thing. That show is hilarious.
It's like South Park done by Japs. I love how they look so innocent while they are talking about STDs and making gay jokes.:lol:
I like Japs, except for the neighbor of the principal where I went to high school. That guy and his kids were real dicks. His wife was very nice though.
PinkThrone said:
Japs who live in America are not tr00 japs!
They are kvlt Japs. But that guy was a tr00 Jap. He barely spoke English and he threatened to kill everyone from my class. Basically, the smallest kid in our class could have kicked his ass. His wife runs out and starts screaming at him in Japanese, he goes inside and she starts apologizing and saying that he doesn't get along with the neighbor (our principal) and he always threatens everyone that goes to his house.

Anyway, I've always wanted to visit Japan. I love the way those smaller areas look, but I also want to see Tokyo. That place looks like it's even busier than NYC.
so....he didn't win....ahhhh????

well.....of course it was directed.....for the fun of it.....
in Germany you can't ignore (even in starmania) that there is kind of music which called METAL!.....and the singers like to scream instead of sing ( least...thats what my grandmother is saying!)
ON TOPIC dudes.
I laughed my ass off. This is so stupid it is funny. Thanks to that guy for making metalheads look like idiots again.
I think he needs to work on his condition- he was gasping for air. You see that Danny Filth ain't so bad huh???
( start the discussion on COF ...) Least thing Danny can do is give this guy some make up pointers!

Here is some black metal fun things if you havent had enough.- the classic '10 worst black metal pics of all time'
Did you see the first one? They had the Satyricon pic from Nemesis Divina as the most ridiculous one and every other one was from Immortal.

I feel bad for Høst already. Whenever Blabbermouth has a Taake topic, they use that picture.

Dani Filth should kill himself. I hate that guy. Cradle Of Fear was a shitty movie too. He always used to make fun of Barker for being pudgy. Now Dani is getting a bit bloated.

That Darken pic is funny but you should see the pic of him sitting on a log with a baby and a toddler on his lap. He looked like a butt pirate, Viking wannabe, Michael Jackson version of Santa Clause.
Show us that picture!!!
Now the first thread they run on the worst black metal pics was even more funny. And you cannot say anything about using Immoprtal all the time.; they look utterly stupid.
I'll never forget seeing Immortal on some festival for the first time ( it wasnt even a metal fesatival, I think they hired them cause they were cheaper than a circus full of clowns) Anyway- they come on to the stage, wayyy too fat with the belly coming from under and blobbing above the 'waistband' stating in a robotlike voice: SUN IS KILLING ME...
That was it for me. Right then and there I walked away.
The fat one is Horgh. It's too bad you didn't stay though. They look stupid, but their music is AMAZING. Their last three albums are very technical and polished. They are one of the best BM bands ever.

I cannot find that Darken pic. I saw it on his Myspace a while ago but it always gets deleted since he has all this nazi shit on it. I was looking for interviews and that thing came up. I was laughing sooooo hard.