This HAS to be mentioned

I had never caught this before, so I had a careful listen. It turned out that I didnt have to pay that much attention at all, it came out clear as day - "Arr, cheeseburger madness".

I see advertising potential here going begging! Thats a great find, well done.
i tried to put mr. V's head on hamburglar's body but couln't find a big enough image of the hamburglar. it's probably a good thing i didn't. hey, there's nothing wrong with a sticker, as long as they don't get a golden arches backdrop.

see now i though rapping and raping went hand in hand. didn't Ronald McD have a rap commercial-video? or maybe it was rock. maybe both. he's kind of cross-genre, cross-cultural anyway.

do you think Amon Amarth is in on it too? Once Sent From the Golden (dining)Hall? clearly about making cheeseburgers. i mean, look at their album cover color schemes. almost makes you hungry for french fries and ketchup. hm, maybe the vikings decided to modernize and preserve their ancient traditions in a fast food chain. Global Domination! with a clown leader disguising a creepy cult of rapper/rapists. obviously, look at MC Hammer's pants and compare them to most clowns. also notice the 'Mc'. Hammer, well Thor had one of those. now take Slipknot: combining clown outfits and rap lyrics. thanks to them and others there is an emergent cult of goth-clowns. and the guy from Dope/Static-X, other nu metal bands, was arrested for rape. rape and pillage! vikings live!

also take note that 'Cheesburger Madness' occurse in the song Astral & Arcane. AA. Amon Amarth = AA. so maybe our McDonalds conspiracy runs deeper. Astron Argon, A:.A:. , Greek for 'silver star'. Golden Dawn anyone?!?

"intersect the shining potato" i don't know maybe Wendy's is also included in this. they do the potato thing. Ronald and Wendy both have red hair, they are clearly related. W is of course an upside down M. W is also 2 V's which means Vintersorg has a clone that helps him work in several bands at once. and if you draw a line across the middle you get AA.

Burger King, besides the colors, i will have to do more research on this. Arby's is likely in on it as well. how fast food chains are connected to 911 i will let you make your own conclusions.

finally i think the song 'Dark Matter Mystery' is an encoded recipe to the sacred mystery ingredients to the round disc thing that is commonly referred to as 'hamburger'.
haha....I can't believe someone makes the effort to have a list about metal veggies. What's the point? :confused:
Anyway, greenburger madness on the next album for me then ;)
-- said:
also take note that 'Cheesburger Madness' occurse in the song Astral & Arcane. AA. Amon Amarth = AA. so maybe our McDonalds conspiracy runs deeper. Astron Argon, A:.A:. , Greek for 'silver star'. Golden Dawn anyone?!?

:lol: Ever read any David Icke? I'm sure he could add a lot to your theory..
ll_Aethyr_ll said:
:lol: Ever read any David Icke? I'm sure he could add a lot to your theory..

yes, of course, i thought everyone knew that the shapeshifting bureaucrats reptilian aliens were engaged in the fast food global domination scheme to enslave the human race. they have to have easy access to their underground tunnel network, what better place than McD's? haven't you heard about kids getting lost in the colorful playgrounds? they take a wrong turn and accidentally fall down the access tube and get eaten by draconians! that's why no adults are allowed in the playground cause they're afraid someone will find out.

...i did read Tales from the Time Loop and it was highly entertaining. whether he's nuts or sci-fi he's still making a living at it!
I did it...
I concentrated hard enough to hear "The context of these archaic pergaments" in the song...
Hope it stays...
Coming back to cheeseburguer madness is easy.