Do you have a Picture of the kid, taken in the moment of Maximum distress??
no but i know someone will..
so how many tickets did your band sell to your show?
we only baught 13 i think at £11 each, and sold them all, aswell as getting at least another 5 -8 people to turn up at the door
While the moral of the story is debatable, I'd ask anyone on this forum to spellcheck their entries (even when written at 6 a.m.) ...
jester: call me old or arrogant, but I stopped reading your report halfway through, because I just couldn't take it anymore ...
yah sorry man, i'm not good like that, but i did feel i cud collapse, eyes were blurring and all sorts.
You gotta respect the fact that he tried to give your band the oportunity to play to a crowd of that capacity.
Hes learnt his lessons on this one and will be wiser for next time.
Oh and who does a dry hire of a club without a house engineer on hand??
we did alot! he was one brave kid, and he just thought he was more than capable to Engineer a venue of that size and not taking in acount of the acoustics of the room. he was soo grateful we helped out, so that side of the nite was an up point.
Also the rig at Minstry maybe geared up to push maximum bass but it will be full range without the gaps in the frequency range you were talking about.
trust me, it wasnt lol! we went out back into the amp room basically to turn them all on... they only had subs, high mid range speakers and tweeters! we did complain to the venue about this, and they said they may invest in some for that one room. but it looked like even the club owners didnt have a clue.
there was only one other guy that new the ins and outs off the venue and all the sound equipment and that was the lighting engineer. he was a big help too. we probs wudnt have found a thing without him.
live and learn... he should have done it at the mean fiddler if that still exists...
would have been cheaper i reckon aswell to hire. and everyone knows were it is... ministry of sound was in the backstreets near 'elephant and castle' tube station.
i do respect the kid for wat he did that night, but he really really should have done his homework on it first!