This is a Wacken report


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

Weather: fucking rain a lot of the time. Weather that couldn't really decide whether it should be nice and warm or fucking miserable and rainy. 5 minutes sun, 5 minutes rain, 5 mins of wind, and repeat for the whole festival. Everything was wet, I forgot parts of my tent, the new tent I spent €35 on was of poor quality and I had to leave it. Everything was cool anyway.

Bands: what follows is a complete list of bands I saw with quick ratings

* Bloodbath - 4/5 - fucking quality death metal. They played all three songs from the EP which I thought was awesome. Thumbs up

* Candlemass 4.5/5 - yes yes yes they played both UNDER THE OAK and A SORCERER'S PLEDGE, my two favourite C songs. Awesome. Three new songs, Born in a Tank, Black Dwarf, Copernicus. Only classics apart from that, Well of Souls, At the Gallows End, Dark are the Veils of Death. Too short!

* Count Raven 4/5 - :headbang: dooom

* Dissection - 3.5/5 - not fond of the new drummer, he's not very... what's the word... good? They played both of the newest songs, Starless Aeon came across pretty cool live. No covers, ended with Crimson Death. No Black Horizons, unfo.

* Finntroll - 3/5 - um I stood really far in the back and the sound was shit and I didn't recognize most songs but people seemed to have fun... I was actually not all that concentrated on the gig

* Hammerfall - 1.5/5 - A girl persuaded me to come with her and see them - this is my only excuse - not valid but true. They're still shit, as ever.

* Kreator - 3/5 - competent but getting very predictable and boring with always the same setlist

* Metal Church - 4/5 - haven't really ever listened to MC so was very surprised by this, they seem really energetic and the singer was awesome, hitting high falsetto notes with great conviction, overall this was really cool speed metal. They brought in the guy with the long hair, from Heathen I think, for guest guitar playing on one song.

* Morgana Lefay - 3.5/5 - I thought they were power metal on the gay side, someone on the bus said FUCK NO THEY'RE THRASH MOSTLY so he persuaded me to go see them. Positively surprised, very energetic, nice heavy metal with some total thrash moments. Impressed yeah

* Naglfar - 4/5 - thumbs up, Naglfar is always cool live. Wrath did well on vocals, and they played most of the stuff I wanted to hear. Last song The Brimstone Gate was a fucking monster

* Overkill 5/5 - so awesome to see a band that's existed since like 1980 with such energy and passion for what they do. New drummer kicks ass. Band OPENS with a Motörhead cover. We get to hear E-LIMINATION! In Union We Stand, Hello From the Gutter, Necroshine, ROTTEN! TO! THE! CORE! Old School, FUCK YOU, something from K13 i didn't recognize, WRECKING CREW! No E.N.D. or S/T song but hey

* Primordial 5/5 - KICK ASS! A bit poor sound on the smallest stage but awesome atmosphere and shit, tracklist: The Golden Spiral/The Gathering Wilderness/AUTUMN'S FUCKING ABLAZE/Sons of the Morrigan/GODS TO THE FUCKING GODLESS!

* Samael - 2/5 - whoa techno junk. Thumbs up for SHINING FUCKING KINGDOM and BAPHOMET'S FUCKING THRONE but fuck off to the rest. Gotta give them credit for creating some sort of atmosphere though I guess?


I, unexpectedly, met Ms. snow2fall :wave: who sat around in the marketplace selling CD's and shirtz for Grau/Prophecy... I bought 5 records from them cause they have so much fucking stuff, and so forth

We drank lots of fucking disgusting rum for €5/70 cl

Um, what else? Mike got really drunk, missed Candlemass, smelled bad, and so forth. Nothing out of the ordinary. Met lots of people, promised to give away lots of Nasheim albums.