This is a Wacken report

There are so many pics and lots of them suck (didn't really take any myself, have had some sent to me by newfound friendz :p)

Here is 3/4 of Lethal and some random dude:

Here is Mike doing what he does best (rokking, drinking beer):



Here's a MOVIE CLIP of a drunk German:
Um actually, for a heavy metal festival, I'd say it's better than expected. Most girls are taken though, because they go there with their boyfriends...
me and a couple of my friends are hoping to go next year (assuming we can scrounge enough pennies) plus I have a non-metal chick friend who wants to go for the sole purpose of fucking a german guy (wow, what mighty goals she sets).....

but those pics really really make me wanna go (except the dick/man-ass shots).