This is about as cool as it gets....long, but worth it


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I know, not too many Nine Inch Nails fans here...but Trent is doing some cool stuff right now. As you may or may not know, the new album (Year Zero) is a concept record set 15 years in the future. To put it shortly, it is basically about an even more right wing government, yada yada. Anyway, there have been a bunch of cool websites springing up about it (put up by the band), and a lot of weird little pieces to put together about the story (pulled from many different sites, videos, ect.)

Sooooo, there is a "resistance" in this whole story concept, and NIN is doing some cool things to promote the album. So, with that setup, read the below post about a secret show they just played (this from the Tool website). VERY FUCKING COOL! The SWAT stuff at the end is all part of the act/concept.

How it all started, here is the email I got from OSR...

Unbelievable, the quality of stuff you have been sending in. Check out
the new content on the site-and beyond that, people are starting to
submit platforms with real potential. From campus DJs and copy store
clerks to people with connections at major networks and publications. This
feels like the start of something real. (I'll be sending out the first
few connections soon, so please keep them coming. Every voice out here

Local news-some very serious artists in LA are making a difference in a
very public place. Check out the piece near Melrose and Ogden in LA.
If you're worried about where this country (and this world) is going,
check out their work. It will remind you why you should be worried:
but maybe give you a little juice for the fight, too.

Lastly, a few of us are talking about organizing a meeting here in LA.
If you're interested, show up at the Melrose location at or a little
after 7 pm on this Friday evening (April 13th). Wear something that
shows you're one of us. Stand under the big pig and follow the revolver
across the street to the van. Knock twice. When you've got the stuff,
get out of there fast. Don't attract attention. Don't be followed.

That's it for now. Sometimes it feels like hope is hard to come by.
What you're doing makes hope a little easier for me to find.


So, a bunch of people show up at the mural, standing under the pig. Ones who were there early got a yellow button. At 7pm a van rolls up where the revolver on the mural is pointing. Everyone runs across the street. I was kind of disappointed at that. I wanted to knock on the van door. Oh well. We stand in line and get a "resistance kit". Here is what was in mine..
10 flyers
10 buttons
1 marker
1 hat
1 bandana
1 patch
4 stickers
1 stencil

It was all in a metal military ammo box. Very cool. The people with the yellow buttons got a cell phone in their kit. The note with the phone said to have the phone charged and be ready for a call on Wed the 18th and that you could bring a guest. I did not get a phone but my friend did and I went as his guest.
He got a call around noon saying to be at Echo PArk in LA at 6 and to wait for another call for further instructions. He gets the call at 6 and gets directions to a gated lot. Everyone gets parked and they close the gate. They put all 50 or so of us in a corner of the lot and rope it off. We had to sign waivers about using our image and not knowing what we are doing or where we were going. Everyone signs of course. No electronics of any kind. We get the metal detection wand and frisked. We all get in a bus with the windows blacked out. When everyone was in they pulled a curtain in the front so we could not see where we were going. About 15 minutes later they drop us off at an abandoned warehouse. Resistance members on the roof watching us go in. There are chairs set up and we all sit quietly. The leader comes out and give a lecture, as you see in the video. He says its time to go and we all get up and follow. We go up some stairs, through other parts of the HUGE warehouse. Down some stairs. Some people took an elevator. We get to this darkened room. Drums start!! Lights come on! THE BEGINNING OF THE END. I was right in front of Aaron. Fucking cool.

Set list..
1. The Beginning of the End
2. Survivalism
3. Last
4. March of the Pigs
5. We’re in This Together
6. The Frail

During The Frail the power goes out, I thought someone stepped on cord and pulled a plug or something. Sirens go off. SWAT busts in "shooting". Resistance members tell us to go and lead us back to the bus. Bus takes us back to the lot and that was it. That's it in a nutshell. I feel really lucky to have been a part of it.
Yeah, it changes colors. Also, when it does this it reveals some stuff (binary code) that translastes into a web address. Reznor is taking this whole thing very seriously, and to the limit. Lots of weird little things popping up here and there, including art on the streets of major cities that does not appear to be directly related at first glance. Very cool stuff.

I love the CD, but watch may not be your cup of tea. It's a little more electronic in the keyboard/sample sense than the last couple....but again, I love it.
Yeah, it changes colors. Also, when it does this it reveals some stuff (binary code) that translastes into a web address. Reznor is taking this whole thing very seriously, and to the limit. Lots of weird little things popping up here and there, including art on the streets of major cities that does not appear to be directly related at first glance. Very cool stuff.

I love the CD, but watch may not be your cup of tea. It's a little more electronic in the keyboard/sample sense than the last couple....but again, I love it.

I'm familar with the direction he's headed with this record, I heard a handful of tracks on Sirius over the last few weeks. I'm excited about the record and the things Reznor is doing to market the album is pretty cool. I can't wait to dig into it. I have been on NIN kick for a couple of month now since I saw the DVD performance air on Direct TV. I have been playng the hell out of the old cd's along WITH TEETH....