This is my 92nd post!


Nov 26, 2002
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This is sooooo cuuuuwl I can´t believe it! I have reached my ninetysecond (YAH, NINETYSECOND!) post. This is so GREEEAAAT and important that I have to make a new thread about it and tell everybody! Why? Because it´s so IMPORTANT, that´s why!

(AAAH, this is just so kool)
I was just as glad when I reached by 92:nd post but I didn´t start a new thread because I didn´t know how to make one.
You rock!
Well congrats..

Here, have a cookie.

A nuissance? Are you kidding? This is some utterly necessary satire. Some might go as far as to say Swiftian.

I, for one, applaud U[sic]M for having the courage to take on the daunting "This is my [some number ending in zero] post!!!!!!" cabal. Can nobody admit that this kind of inane shit is getting way out of hand?

Cheers, U[sic]M, and here's hoping that the equally daunting "Happy Birthday [some fine upstanding member of the U[sic]M community]!!!!" cabal is the next to meet the razor sharp edge of your satirical scythe.
awww come on, rahvin. one would think that you, as the moderator, would have some appreciation for the utter inanity of these sorts of posts, and their absolute inability to contribute anything meaningful to anything.
Originally posted by Fathomless
awww come on, rahvin. one would think that you, as the moderator, would have some appreciation for the utter inanity of these sorts of posts, and their absolute inability to contribute anything meaningful to anything.

:oops: you're right, absolutely: what was i thinking? it's time to celebrate! make my coffee extra-strong. :p

Oh, 2953..

And now i must have 2954 if what they taught me at school way back when was truth and not lies...

All hail the mystic number 2954! :Smokin:
@fathomless: does that mean that sarcasm towards the more tedious things on life has to be something cool???
it's just that I could be sarcastic towards the ability of an old woman throwing a thrash bag to a huge dustbin, but I suppose everybody would find it pointless, stupid and senseless...

fathervic (who once understood why sarcasm shouldn't be overused...)
@fathervic: Not really, because the old lady in question is not horribly obnoxious. There's just something profoundly satisfying about seeing someone satirize something that's been annoying the fuck out of you for some time. And I would go as far as to say that whenever sarcasm's employed toward this end, it's cool.

