This is my 92nd post!

@markgugs: this is a thread to make you aware of how many posts you have and/or to debate about sarcasm. or so it seems to me. :zzz:


Miolo (why the hell did i wake up at 8 am if i could sleep more?)
Ahahaha, I see that people from the OUIFf are still having trouble dealing with me! But, you know what they say, "Give them a copy of ´Candide´ and they´ll sharpen the blades of the guillotine and light up the fire of books".
'Splain what OUIFf is please.

Old Unofficial In Flames forum? Not a bad guess though, eh?

And I'm not having a "hard time dealing" with anything; I don't know who you are (or were, as you so cryptically alluded to). Do I?
@markgugs: i don't think he was referring to you, although it's often hard to tell with the mattias/u[sic]m brothers. ;) usually nodding your head slowly and saying something non-committal like "oh, i see" is the safest bet: act as if you understand what the rant is about. :)

Yo, man, cool it. I mean, cooooooooooooooool the fukk dooooooooooooown. First thing´s first: the OUIFf is short for Unofficial Official In Flames-forum...that abbreviation is a trademark, by the way. Secondly, I was referring to the person who openly dissed me me on my own thread (talk about rude, huh?), Steve-o-kid-dude-fourtwenty, not you. He will feel shameful for this open gesture of hostility and defamation towards me, I´m sure.
Originally posted by U[Sic]M
Yo, man, cool it. I mean, cooooooooooooooool the fukk dooooooooooooown. First thing´s first: the OUIFf is short for Unofficial Official In Flames-forum...that abbreviation is a trademark, by the way. Secondly, I was referring to the person who openly dissed me me on my own thread (talk about rude, huh?), Steve-o-kid-dude-fourtwenty, not you. He will feel shameful for this open gesture of hostility and defamation towards me, I´m sure.

oh, i see.


Originally posted by rahvin
oh, i see.



Are you mocking me, rahvin? Is this how it´s going to be from now on? I write an insanely popular thread, getting the thumbs up from everyone, and you go and belittle me in front of everybody? Is that it? Because that is truly and utterly disgusting and unpleasant. That is abusing your power as moderator when you openly ridicule me. I feel hurt now.:(
Originally posted by U[Sic]M
Are you mocking me, rahvin? Is this how it´s going to be from now on? I write an insanely popular thread, getting the thumbs up from everyone, and you go and belittle me in front of everybody? Is that it? Because that is truly and utterly disgusting and unpleasant. That is abusing your power as moderator when you openly ridicule me. I feel hurt now.:(

I don't really see what you're talking about at all Sicman. Could you elaborate some more please?
Wait a minute... FatherVic, you´re not an ex-member of the OUIFf, now are you? Because you sure appear to be one, judging from your last post on this thread. Yeah, soon you´ll be making entire new threads whose sole purpose is to whine and complain and bitch and moan and shit...

Anyway, this is my onehundred and third post. All hail the king!
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
You're both idiots. He CLEARLY has 132 posts. Only an idiot would see something else.

[sic] is really stupid. He wants to be like you, matthais, someone funny that almost everyone will like. he screwed up every part of it.
Steve-o-four-o-twenty-o: No, no, what you meant to say was that I (by the way, that´s U[Sic]M, donkeyboy...) am extremely clever and funny and everyone DOES like me, and that I succeeded in being clever, funny and liked. This is nothing you could understand, seeing as you´re A. an OUIFf-er and B. a total dumboy (one could argue that these two premises are equivalent, though...).

Now, remove yourself, and stop foocking up my posts with your propaganda.
Originally posted by U[Sic]M
No, no, what you meant to say was that I (by the way, that´s U[Sic]M, donkeyboy...) am extremely clever and funny and everyone DOES like me, and that I succeeded in being clever, funny and liked.

ladies and gentlemen, your host u[sic]m will be with you again with another of his famous lessons in irony next friday at 11:00 cet.
