this is my last day


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Yup. It's goodbye to you all, and to this persona of Trapped that i have so witfully surmounted upon this place on interactional communitism.

It really IS goodbye, at least for a while, because i have not the money to pay for an internet connection anymore, hence the unwaving sentimentality in the form of goodbyes and solemn cyber-handshakes.

I've been here a LONG time. Look at my post count :lol: On the original board, as Trapped in a corner, the firey newbie that kept trying to rip LSDman for every time he mentioned drugs :lol: And that UBER big "lsd discussion" we had...

I'm not goin to mention everyone who i've made friends with, you know who you are obviously... Ledmag, Magister, LSDman get special mention because they were the first guys i spoke to on the original board, and Jimbob, Neal, Narrot, Nolordy, Tee, Troy Neverlady, Deadskin and you other guys like Darkspot, who just "appeared" one day :lol:.... and everyone else, like the 400, 226 guys called "poison godmachine". You've made my unscheduled (*cough* two year long *cough*) stop here heaps pleasant, i've learnt alot, found some AWESOME new music, and more importantly, let me let off some steam here and there...

When Enemies of Reality comes out, i might make the trip to a library after hearing it, so i can once more spew my wonderful garbaguous spizzle like old times. As with the new alarum album (*ghasp*), when that's done, i'll most surely be kicking around here somwhere, somehow

Trapped: "It's not like poe :cry: There's too many F# minor breaks and not enough chromaticism and sweeps, and the legato seems somewhat lacking. It's like Dead Heart, it's shit"

Newbie: Dead heart is the best nevermore album, i don't like poe much

True Light: Sand erher we HAVE wineer hes' a smart guy hey?

Trapped: Ha ha, yeah dude, yeah dude. DIE NEWBIE. You're not true enough, you don't understand the ART of it all... you're not TWU DAMMIT!

Everyone else: :rolleyes: :lol: :puke:

Anyway, i guess this is a kick in the ass to get my life on track. I've let everything fall in a heap, and now i've gotta summon all this positivity out of bad situations, and get my head on. Then i might get the net again, and slump back into my present depression :lol:

Anyway, it's been a cool time, i'm getting someone to check my email for me... so i "may" get back to you if you can be bothered mailing the E of the T... But don'yt be offended if i take my time...

I don't like goodbyes, so simply put, i'm not going to say it.

See y'all later, y'all come back now, y'hear?
good luck with the "getting life back on track", this sure is the thing to help motivate it. wont be the same without ya... hopefully you DO hop over to your library a few times and check in, so we know you're still alive. its been cool talkin to ya when we DID talk. hope to talk to ya again... when/if ya come back... a "WELCOME BACK TO THE FALL" will be in order :) until then... stay metal! stay true! stay Trapped! *tips his hat, and goes back to his chair*
Thanks deadskin, it's been cool talking to you too dude... when i next come here, i expect to see pictures of you with hair down to your ass :lol:
:lol: might not be down to my ass, but it will definitely be long... im still debating on how long to grow it out to. i'll find out when its at the point where even ID say "shit, thats long"
Okay so I've been sproadic since we all came to UM, but see ya and come back soon, bon voyage, etc.:)
oh shit, Thats bad news. ahev my address...or at leats i gave it to you waaaaay back when. Keep intouch my friend.

you among others, (mags, aguy, troy, DSM, ETC) are on the top of my list.

Take care of yourself. ANd stab that damn knot on the back of your ear and let your mum help ya......ok mate. LATER on till the next time hey.
Ive always been fascinated with your knowledge of Death and Politics


hey, you know any other good tech death bands like martyr,death,atheist....?
Damn... you are one of the personalities I'm used to seeing when I'm here, all the way from September 3, 2001, when I first showed up... You're going to be missed, dude.
Dude, I know I'm only a newbie here, but still, good luck with your future endeavours and all the usual bullshit, and I think you really do have it in you to make something of yourself. You're an intelligent guy, I can tell that by many of your posts and your control of the english language. And from what I can tell, you fucken shred on the guitar, do something with that. Maybe you could get a job with a guitar magazine or something? Who knows. Anyways, the main point: Hope everything goes good for you and I'll hopefully get the opportunity to talk to ya again. Don't forget that jam offer either ;)
Hey Trapped!

Whenever you feel like
letting off some steam
spew some spizzle
please, drop in
to share with us your
news, opinions or just piffle

For some there are no choises
that's why you're gonna say "bye"
No Welcome back to the fall for you
untill you choose to say "hi"

Take care and see ya around!

xxx Iris xxx
Geez infected me with your poems,
i'm starting to get the hang of it! :lol:
You should spew them out at the board Will,
those poems of you are worth reading, go on...

xxx Iris xxx
it sucks to see you go, man

i never really "bonded" with you like i did some of the other members here, but i've always respected you and you've always been cool. best of luck in all that you do! and don't forget to drop us a line every chance you get. it will be great to hear from ya! ;)
good luck man, come back and give us an update on whats goin on. i hope you do somthing with all your musical talent. see ya around.:)