This Is Rather Strange

Martyr's Crown

Feb 23, 2010
The Kingdom
So I just found this website called Dial-The-Truth Ministries. I came across this article that says that all rock music -- including Christian rock -- is a tool of Satan and should be destroyed. He "examines" specific bands to try to "prove" their Satanism / Evil. Naturally, I realized that this is rather silly. His criteria for Satanism are incredibly broad. Some of the reasons he has:
1. Tourniquet is satanic because one member wore a crossed out satanic symbol on his shirt. To put this in perspective: That's like saying that the band Bad Religion is Christian because their logo is a crossed-out cross.
2. Stryper is satanic because the members have long hair. No, really.
3. dc Talk is satanic because a) one critic commented that their live shows were "just like the Beatles" and b) they got a guy who did a Nine Inch Nails music video to do a music video for them and c) one of their lyrics is "God is doing a nu thang through our music" which apparently contradicts Ecclesiastes 1:9 which says "there is no new thing under the sun".
4. Sandi Patti is satanic because she is popular and makes money.

This is just kind of rediculous. I then noticed that he didn't "examine" Theocracy, and wondered what half-baked excuse he would come up with to "prove" them satanists.

I just thought I'd bring this to the attention of the fine folks at the Theocracy forum. General thoughts?
Haha, those KJV only people crack me up. I mean there's nothing wrong with the KJV, I actually like the majestic awesome feel of it. But it's not the only English translation out there. The logic behind someone saying "The KJV is the only version of God's Word that is actually inspired" is just absurd! God sure is slow getting His perfect version out there, the canon was complete in the 300s at the latest, why did He wait till 1611? Also, King James was a catholic, and most of the KJV only guys I've talked to are convinced that it's impossible for someone who is catholic to be saved.

But anyway, I just think it's really silly and this article proves how ridiculous the mindsets of these guys are. Also, why do all of the KJV only websites look like they were designed at the dawn of the internet?

I'm usually slow to pick on groups of Christians (or people of other belief systems for that matter), but I've never talked to a single KJV only guy who I've been able to hold a reasonable conversation with.
But anyway, I just think it's really silly and this article proves how ridiculous the mindsets of these guys are. Also, why do all of the KJV only websites look like they were designed at the dawn of the internet?

I know! Also, usually they like to use some gif animations that are kind of pixely a lot. WHY?
That's really overdoing it, but thinking from their perspective I do see their point. It's still overdoing it, vastly.
well i have heard some so called christian bands talk about getting drunk after there shows. but I have no room to talk about anyone :zombie:
The problem with the KJV is that it's really inaccurate, since it was created before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. I don't really mind it; it's just that a) there's really no reason to keep all the "thee"'s and "thy"'s, and b) all the modern translations are just so much more accurate and clearer.

In regards to the article, sometimes I like to go on that site and read the tracts about music to see if he's actually made a good point yet. It's really quite entertaining :lol:
I've known about them for quite a while. Used to be a fervent supporter back in early high school...

I especially love the logic of their articles: "Look at what the modern translations take out!!! Look at what they change!!! Look at how anti-Christian they are!!!"

And yet they turn around and say that "the Bible" is their first authority. What "Bible?" The Bible was written in Greek and Hebrew, not English. If you want to compare the accuracy of the King James Bible against the modern versions (and the comparison is often hands-down in favor of the modern translations), then it should be against the original languages, not the King James. The argument assumes its own conclusion.

That's just breaking the ice of my issues with them.
I think that you shouldn't visit that website. It's satanic. It's full of satanic symbols and runic characters.

Seriously, I think he makes some valid points. Some bands think that, because their intention is right, they can say/do/show/sing anything they like.

On the other hand, he's so completely off at some points... Plus he forgets that Artists use lies to tell the truth (V for Vendetta, after a quote from Picasso). I'm curious what he would think of The Screwtape Letters.
I think that you shouldn't visit that website. It's satanic. It's full of satanic symbols and runic characters.

Seriously, I think he makes some valid points. Some bands think that, because their intention is right, they can say/do/show/sing anything they like.

On the other hand, he's so completely off at some points... Plus he forgets that Artists use lies to tell the truth (V for Vendetta, after a quote from Picasso). I'm curious what he would think of The Screwtape Letters.

I think they just need to face reality and how they have no evidence or anything in their favor.

Actually they really don't have a point. It's more of a preference. If it is temptation for them they should cut back on it or even cut it off. They should not unleash it on everyone else though... as if it is a temptation for us also. These things need to stay at personal not for everyone.
Well, I've heard that Matt sacrifices kittens before each concert, so some might read into that as satanic.o_O

Shawn, it's okay to get drunk AFTER the concert, but not before or during. It's a loophole. :kickass:
Well, I've heard that Matt sacrifices kittens before each concert, so some might read into that as satanic.o_O

HAHAHA! And that reminds me of the weird dream I JUST WOKE UP FROM! I was like in this 2 dimensional arcade game (IN IT) and it was a game just like mario except about TRUMAN! WHT? It was weird. He looked like puss in boots cuz he had a sword but he was Truman (Matt Smith's Cat and backup singer :p). :err::loco: I think the reason I had this dream was because I was listening to too much high voltage POWER METAL before going to sleep :headbang::headbang::headbang:

I have what you call Theocracitus. :erk:
HAHAHA! And that reminds me of the weird dream I JUST WOKE UP FROM! I was like in this 2 dimensional arcade game (IN IT) and it was a game just like mario except about TRUMAN! WHT? It was weird. He looked like puss in boots cuz he had a sword but he was Truman (Matt Smith's Cat and backup singer :p). :err::loco: I think the reason I had this dream was because I was listening to too much high voltage POWER METAL before going to sleep :headbang::headbang::headbang:

I have what you call Theocracitus. :erk:

1) Did you really need to post this twice? (Own thread and here?)
2) Really - that might mean it's time to take a chill pill from the Theocracy forum for a bit
Hey it was just a drem you know. I had a spliting headache btw... and i had another dream that was even weirder. NOT about theocracy though. the world was like expliding and weird faces were popping up and people were laughing and i was like, "AHHHH!!!" I was just not feeling well. I'm hoping this does not happen again lol. BTW I posted it as a thread AFTER this cuz of the vid.