Is Music Amoral?


New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2010
Hey guys, I stumbled upon this article here. Wanna know what do you guys think about this? It kind of annoys me since the conclusion would be narrowing down the kind of music that I listen to. And I'm not sure about this but how can listening to Christian rock, rap, metal which glorifies Jesus be satanic just because of the beat?
There's a lot of referencing to the Bible, but when they started about that xXxX beat being all satanic and stuff I was like: 'C'mon, have you guys been smoking?' Seriously though, I can't really give some useful criticism right now, so I guess I'll spend some time reading the Bible later today. However, the article didn't strike me as being entirely hole proof.

That's it for now...
Ephesians 5:19-21
19addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.

The Christian answer is "no." All things were created to glorify God - and any and all things may be used to that end. Notice that it says "spiritual songs" not "Chris Tomlin."

As far as the idea that the actual beat/rhythm/melody is what is evil, Vacant Planets said it pretty well:
The notion that a note, or group of notes has any other value than their tone is completely absurd.
Seriously, Psalm 150 doesn't really hold back in giving suggestions of ways to praise God.
Seriously??????? uuuuuhhhh....I listen to music 90% of time FOR entertainment. I read my bible, go to church, and pray to be spiritual. and yeah, the music I listen to is Christian. like......say....THEOCRACY! 'I turned to try to thank him but he's gone.....'
This whole crap has been a debate for almost every "new type" of "christian" music throughout the centuries. In 50 to 100 years people will probably have the same arguments about how Hillsong is godly and "current-mainstream-music-style" is bad.

And if you look at this gem here: The thing that is inappropriate about using a backbeat in Christian songs is that the rock beat has been and is used in the worship of Satan. it becomes clear how much these people stick to "biblical" reasoning...
I don't wear red socks because Satanists wear red socks when worshipping Satan.
And if you look at this gem here: The thing that is inappropriate about using a backbeat in Christian songs is that the rock beat has been and is used in the worship of Satan. it becomes clear how much these people stick to "biblical" reasoning...

Yeah I agree
I've found a ton of crap Christian articles before. I've found articles about, say... how C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia are demonic.

They gave arguments such as the fact that Mr. Tumnus has horns: it must mean he represents the devil! (If that's true, there must be a lot of demonic goats.) They also said Mr. Tumnus was a pedophile for inviting a cold little girl he didn't know to his house and such. A lot of people in my writing group responded by saying, "Wow, my entire family must be full of pedophiles!"

I've found a ton of crap Christian articles before. I've found articles about, say... how C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia are demonic.

People will find a devil behind every bush if they just keep looking hard enough...
The devil only has horns because early Christians associated his image to that of a pagan god who supposedly had the form of a Satyr. As for the rest, I won't dignify it with a response :p