Religion in Music

Yeah this was about what I wanted to say, only I didn't have the energy to type it out hehe. An aggressive band can benefit a lot from having a deeper dark side to it. Dark philosophy and thoughts on life as a whole very much outshines mindless gore, aggression and bashing. Of course the two can be molded together as well.

While stuff like Deicide is fun to listen to, I could never take it seriously. I don't see why more Death Metal bands don't throwselves (without turning too political) into writing more in depth about human life. Death very much had that going with quite provoking songs like 1.000 Eyes, Altering The Future etc.

Early Deicide is fucking great and their attitude was cool in my opinion, but they stagnated so much that it isn't even funny anymore, if you don't have anything new to say, it is going to sound forced, and that is pretty much what happened to them.
so far only metal has been mentioned in a thread on "religion in music". of course, the theme can be found in all other genres of music. when somebody mentions "religion in music", what comes first to my mind are things like
monteverdi - vespro della beata vergine 1610
j s bach - st matthew passion
mozart - requiem
beethoven - missa solemnis
rachmaninov - vespers
penderecki - polish requiem

or some religious-themed turkish classical music.
what i find important in these compositions is not what the lyrics mean, or where they are coming from. there is a profound feeling one gets from listening to st matthew passion. the music itself brings forth this feeling, for the most part. there is a lot here to think about i think. i'll comment more later.
first thing that comes to my mind is Bad Religion, because they have exactly the same view on religion as I do, and i find their lyrics absolutely fucking amazing.
Oh, I know how bad the Christian music industry is. I grew up only being allowed to listen to Christian music. There's a definite lack of creative energy. Everything they make in mainstream contemporary Christian music is years behind secular music and about 1/3 as good as what was done before. The fringe artists that get little to no support from the CCM industry, bands like Extol, Zao, mewithoutYou, and others of the "harder" genres are pretty hit and miss in terms of musical creativity. It's a pretty sure thing that a lot of them abuse the fact that they are Christian which means they have a pre-determined niche in the music marketplace, so as you said, S<issors, they don't have to be good musicians because they can just wave the banner of Jesus and people will buy their CDs.

maybe im reading your post wrong, ive read it a few times, but please dont tell me you're dissing mewithoutyou.
Early Deicide is fucking great and their attitude was cool in my opinion, but they stagnated so much that it isn't even funny anymore, if you don't have anything new to say, it is going to sound forced, and that is pretty much what happened to them.

yeah, it's the same thing with Slayer methinks. The passion and sheer interest in the lyrical themes probably faded as they grew older. I don't see why you just don't change your themes into something interesting. Just 'cause you're playing aggressive music doesn't mean you can't change lyricism.
I think Slayer is one of those bands where that old line "meh, their older stuff was better" actually applies. Hell Awaits ftw
Some people find the lyrics of those early Deicide albums cheesy, but the rampant neologisms and the sheer and obvious pleasure taken in its own linguistic terrorism is what poetry should be: a joyfully subversive spirit of perversely structured play.
maybe im reading your post wrong, ive read it a few times, but please dont tell me you're dissing mewithoutyou.

No, no, no. I named three bands I like. Those are examples of those who "hit" the creativity mark. There are others who miss, though...

mewithoutYou is actually one of my favourite bands. I listen to Brother, Sister almost weekly.
Religion. I don't really care whether lyrics are satanist, christian, or whatever.
But if it becomes something of a gimmick then it's pointless.

for example, black metal is described as having satanic lyrics but not all bands have them, just some. In most cases they're just refrencing satan (Natterns Madrigal).
mozart - requiem

My sister sang this song one time. It was interesting, but I don't remember much of it, my brain doesn't function well without sleep.

I don't really listen to much religious music. I'm not at all religious but it is not a conscious decision on my part, the music I tend to enjoy just happens to be fairly neutral. I do enjoy Nile though, the use of Egyptian mythology in their lyrics is adds an interesting flair to their music.
No, no, no. I named three bands I like. Those are examples of those who "hit" the creativity mark. There are others who miss, though...

mewithoutYou is actually one of my favourite bands. I listen to Brother, Sister almost weekly.

ok, sweet! i absolutley love mewithoutyou as well. and yes, i agree with your post, putting the christian label on your band is all that some bands need to be successful, and thus not musically creative.