this is the jake & avi smut-free zone


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
whereupon we will discuss music, putting out comps, work-related bullshit and other such things.

please conduct yourselves in a dignified manner. thx.
I like discussing clean things. Music. I discovered (more it was played for me) Coheed and Cambria yesterday, loved it to death. It did disturb me however to find them filed in the "punk" section at the local record store, they are not at all punk. But I managed to get over that after bothering the clerk about it and bought the cd anyway along with 7 other cds. I love getting new music, it's like Christmas.

anyway, i have my first batch of contracts out... everyone seems to have no problems with it. should be getting CD-R's of songs next week. it's all moving along so far.

i also got the new Roots today. i didn't request it, but i'm glad they sent it. it's good, solid hip-hop. and one big bonus about it... no skits!!
yeah pluots are a-ok. I got some at the farmer's market not too long ago. I'm not really a plum or apricot fan, but somehow the combo works.

jake- it depends on how this new track turns out. I've only heard a VERY rough practice recording and they are likely to change shit up once they put it on tape.
I agree with alot of what you say as far as the progressive parts are concerned. And I do most asuredly agree that the album does become alittle old come th 45minute mark, but overall, in small doses at least, I do enjoy them. Journey you say? Steve Perry Journey or prior?