"This is the last time I repeat myself" Partial Cover.


Elite Studios
Feb 7, 2014
Hi guys. I've been working with recording and mixing music every single day (EVERY day) for the past 2 years now and I always need a second opinion on my mixes and what I'm doing wrong. I am in a sort of nirvana with my gear right now. I got a Pod HD Pro about a year ago that I have been endlessly tweaking working with only a six string with a low output :( , but just less than a month ago I got a Carvin DC800 that I was absolutely blown away with. The strings weren't the right gauge though, until two days ago. I got higher gauge circle K strings that allowed me to really do some crazy stuff and am FINALLY happy with how the tone sounds. I still have to mess around with it but I think it's pretty good right now. I am really hoping for some feedback that will put me in a better direction. Thank you guys! :kickass:

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Unless you were specifically aiming for it, I think the mix lacks definition, and the kick is just a little too "clicky" for my tastes. But that boils down to personal preference. I also can't hear your snare . . .
Unless you were specifically aiming for it, I think the mix lacks definition, and the kick is just a little too "clicky" for my tastes. But that boils down to personal preference. I also can't hear your snare . . .

Thanks. I agree that it lacks definition (especially when I'm just slamming on the low string). Should I add EQ in a certain area or subtract?

Edit: Got a much clearer guitar in my mind. Totally redid the kick and the snare. Added some parts for seperation. How's it sound now?

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Rhythm guitars sound real fizzy. Maybe lower gain a little? Or a different patch?
Rhythm guitars sound real fizzy. Maybe lower gain a little? Or a different patch?

How about now? I took down the old drive knob on the amp just a tad and seemed to clean it up. Getting some really good feedback here guys.

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IMHO the rythm guitars have absolutely no balls, try tuning down a few steps, this brings teh bt00talz!

...sorry, couldn't resist :p