Would anyone be interested in raws for this Meshuggah Cover?

Here's mine:

I was using the Ignite Amps Emissary, which even at 2X resampling absolutely slaughtered my CPU, so I wasn't able to put any tape sims on the master bus like I usually do. And I only did up to the middle so I wouldn't have to expend more on the clean delay guitars :lol: Thanks for the stems, although they were SUPER hot DIs- try turning your input gain down 5db or so next time ;)

Guitars: TSE808 > Ignite Emissary > Recabinet ENGL/Marshall Greenback
Bass: (a) TSE B.O.D. > Recabinet "Metal Bass" preset; (b) TSE X50 default cab/settings with screamer
Drums: SD2 Avatar kit with Metal! EZX kick drum
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