this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

We would like to see this kind of sentiment put towards the renaming of "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" to something which would be more appropriate considering the events which transpired on Sept 11th 2001. The name of this movie will undoubtedly cause a return of the emotions felt on Sept 11th which left so many people in the nation feeling stunned and in a state of shock.

well I suppose these people...who actually spent some money buying a domain and setting a website didn't really know that The Lord of the Rings actually is a book... I mean otherwise, I think that demanding that the title of the movie gets changed is so stupid!!!
I can understand, that from the point of view of somebody who doesn't know this fact could think that this title was made in order to get money or something, but still I find it a bit too much.
And comparing Spiderman with this movie is enough for me to make a website demanding the band of this site!!!!

fathervic (the two towers)
out of curiosity.....were the towers in the US actually called the two towers?? cause in greek they are called "oi didimoi pirgoi" which is actually translated as "the twin towers"
it's the same in Spanish: Las Torres Gemelas but I suppose that they great conceiver of the mighty idea, got enlighted by the fact that it was two towers, and then generalized and tried to ban everything on this planet that consisted in two towers, no matter if it's written, drawn or merely thought...
I think they are really called the twin towers. Because over here we always call them that.
So I think it's pretty stupid to try and ban another name given to a movie that's based on a book with that name.
That is quite... mad. This is about as bad as the Starbuck complaint about the new drink ad deplicting the towers.

The book was written decades before the attacks happened, and that just so happens to be the name of it. Also changing the name of the movies is not going to make a difference in what happened. It's pretty sad they bought a domain name for that too; if they really wanted to help, they should have given that money to the Red Cross or a charity instead of campaigning for a name-change. :/
yeah, that Starbucks thing was nutty. some tards thought two big coffee cups looked like the WTC or something?

@Thanatos: of course I do. It's part of my future "career" (?) :D

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Do they give a phisical address? Maybe i can bomb them.

Misanthrope ( Unamisanthrope )
They didn't. I didn't find it through the Who-Is service I used either. Their email is I'm posting this so they'll get more Spam. :p

What a weird site btw. There's a hidden tracker on the front page and they don't provide much backing information (either emotional or factual) to support their stance... *shrugs, ergh.*
Hey - that's funny!!!I registered with a new name 'cause nothing worked with the old one and now it seems to work with it - but I logged in with the new one... o_O

So once more posting to this thread... :rolleyes:
People do have strange thoughts...
Do I have to erase the towers from my box for my glasses??Do we have to delete them from everything??Do we have to delete all towers where two are standing together??Do we have to do the same to all tower of the world just because they are towers??And what about things that look like towers??What about drum sticks,pasta,and the poor chinese people with their eating sticks??
