Post yer most ridiculous pic ever...


Ego-Boosted Southlander
Nov 20, 2001
Lvsitania Deluxe
Well, this is the sequel to the fakes thread. You lot post your pix here. The most ridiculous ones. I'm actually looking for me worst one EVER and I already found some serious candidates. Let's see those pix now...and I mean those pix you hide from everyone! :grin:
Awrite, who beats this one?


I have got a boss , pic of me when i'm about 9 years old, and suppose to be a punk in fancy dress, but i'm wearing a grease tshirt, and the biggest ammount of makeup ever, when i get my printer for xmas off me hubby ,i'll post some woppers, oh and archenar thats a true classic of you there :tickled:
Elzka, your sig. >>>>"Frenger - not quite a friend but not quite a stranger" :)

Achernar, that pic is great..! bwwaaahaha!