metal songs whose existence cannot be justified

The haters of orchestral metal are so cliched. Just because you spend most of your time listening to metal that sounds like goats being killed, does that mean you can't like or at least appreciate classical music or metal mixed with classical music? I like everything from traditional classical music to orchestral metal to experimental metal like S.O.A.D. to traditional metal like Amon Amarth. Criticizing one of the leading symphonic power metal bands of the last decade (Rhapsody) as useless simply shows your lack of class and ability to appreciate (not necessarily like) the full face of metal, but rather taking a narrow, compartmentalized view. Of course there is a lot of crappy power metal of various sub-genres out there, but Rhapsody's history and legacy shows that they definitely don't belong to this category.

Again with the assumptions. Pull that bus over to the side of the pretentiousness turnpike. What you seem to be saying is that because I do not like a Rhapsody song I am a narrow minded musical bigot. If you want to comment on my listening tastes at least have the decency to go to my first to see what I listen to. There should be enough variety there to let you write a novel about my tastes. I actually find much to appreciate in many genres of music, just not "The Village of Dwarves".

In short fuck off.
People posting Grim Reaper's Rock You to Hell and Anvil's Metal on Metal are fags and wouldn't know true metal if presented a choice between Hail to England and Daudi Baldrs. The following songs may be off topic though, depending on whether or not one can morally justify torture under certain occasions.

The most embarrassing attempt of band-worship, or devious members of the NWO conspiring to defame Dave Mustaine?

Progressive blackened melodic flower death. Falsest sub-genre evar, and this song seems to prance the most flamboyantly.

Ok, this isn't metal, but others are posting non-metal songs from metal bands and you can't get much worse than 25 minutes of a single melody repeated over and over again, especially knowing that someone, somewhere, masturbates to this alongside the nude body of a child aged Kristian.

Thirteen minutes of CNN diatribe, five of which are sampled and the rest of which are covered by LaBrie in his most pathetic post-seafood-incident whine.

I couldn't get your videos to load (surely because of my primative 1.5 MB connection), but I will insist that you give me a better defense of the unlistenable shit that Grim Reaper composed than the standard "you don't know what real metal is hur hur" crap. I do know what real metal is and I'm just wondering if you know how to back up what you claim.
Is this thread still going? I don't think any song posted has been anywhere close as pathetic as that fucking Shevalreq song that Cythraul posted on the first page :lol:
People posting Grim Reaper's Rock You to Hell and Anvil's Metal on Metal are fags and wouldn't know true metal if presented a choice between Hail to England and Daudi Baldrs. The following songs may be off topic though, depending on whether or not one can morally justify torture under certain occasions.

The most embarrassing attempt of band-worship, or devious members of the NWO conspiring to defame Dave Mustaine?

Progressive blackened melodic flower death. Falsest sub-genre evar, and this song seems to prance the most flamboyantly.

Ok, this isn't metal, but others are posting non-metal songs from metal bands and you can't get much worse than 25 minutes of a single melody repeated over and over again, especially knowing that someone, somewhere, masturbates to this alongside the nude body of a child aged Kristian.

Thirteen minutes of CNN diatribe, five of which are sampled and the rest of which are covered by LaBrie in his most pathetic post-seafood-incident whine.

For anyone who cares.
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Ok, this isn't metal, but others are posting non-metal songs from metal bands and you can't get much worse than 25 minutes of a single melody repeated over and over again, especially knowing that someone, somewhere, masturbates to this alongside the nude body of a child aged Kristian.

It's obviously too deep for you.
I really enjoyed that Wintersun song, its the best posted song I've actually listened to on these forums since I joined a few days ago, I think I'll get hold of more of their stuff, thanks for drawing my attention to it. P.S. Why did you post it in the topic for "crappy" metal - mental malfunction perhaps?