This is thread number six hundred and sixty-six!

Mantraschism said:
Sorry, I couldn't resist. =p

And, uh, I got The Beloved's Cry yesterday. \m/

well it was recently discovered that the number of the beast is 616
Yeah, I actually read that too. I don't know... Well, even if it IS really 616, that doesn't change the fact that this is thread number 666! -_-

Btw, RashomoN, is that the singer from Epica in your avatar? I saw her in a Kamelot video -- she's gorgeous.
I'll answer you Mantraschim, and so I'll join this no-sense thread too :) :p

Yes, the girl in RashomoN's avatar is the singer of the dutch band Epica. She did a guest appareance in the song "The Haunting" from Kamelot's new album. And yes, she is pretty BUT the music of Epica is highly worth listening!! Check the band if you haven't done it yet! Here you have their website:
Mantraschism said:
Btw, RashomoN, is that the singer from Epica in your avatar? I saw her in a Kamelot video -- she's gorgeous.

Yes......she's an angel.....
and as Amaia just said.....Epica's albums are really recommanded.....

Single hottest woman in metal. She must be. That hair! And, well, everything else! Wow...

Alright Obay, that's a good idea. I am not a Satanist, but I have looked into it. At first it appeared to have some good ideas (talking about LaVeyan Satanism here), and then I realized it's totally stupid. They always talk about how they don't need Christianity, Christianity needs them, blah blah, when in fact 'how much Christianity needs them' is just about all they ever talk about, whereas serious talks about Satanism are becoming fewer and fewer in Christian churches. It's a very immature religion too, Satanism, saying things like, 'If someone annoys you, first ask him to stop; if he does it again, destroy him.' I mean, come on. That's just ridiculous. There are so many absurd things in this 'religion' (a 'religion' which, by the way, makes utterly no attempt at explaining why we're here, whence we came, etc. -- i.e., all the things a religion should make some attempt at explaining) that it's useless to even go into all of them. You can just visit the following site to see firsthand what a gimmick it is.
Yeah, they look like 'outstanding individuals' on that intro page, don't they?