This is what happens when Mesa gets a bad review


Aug 2, 2007
Rob Chapman from Anderton's gave a bad review to the Mesa cab clone so Mesa sent one of their guys over and got them to redo the review and show the cab clone in a good light.
Makes Mesa look like assholes and in the revised review, the cab clone still sounds shit compared to the miced cab.
The whole thing is extremely awkward.

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I kinda cringed when Boogie guy told - it's supposed to be listened on cheap stuff.... WTF
It's should be supposed to be top quality miced cab simulation, just like torpedo, ready for quality record.
fwiw, i thought the cab clone sounded great when i demo'd it. granted i was listening on a pa speaker though and not through close miking. it really does sound like shit in this video compared to the sm57. this video is really cringe worthy though lol... not sure how the andertons guy holds it together without laughing in their faces.
I feel real bad for the Captain and Rob for having to endure this bullshit for the sake of business relations. Normally I enjoy their videos and the Captain is typically pretty fair with his reviews so if they give a bad one it was probably earned. Plus it is no secret the cab clone sounds like shit.
I own that Bose bluetooth speaker, it's actually pretty awesome for the price and the casual portability (music in hotel ftw) but so bassy and colored that if the mesa guy chose well his samples, it would have been pretty difficult to distinguish the "mp3s" as he says.
Although it did sound like ass but you do need to keep in mind that it only costs $300. If you had a head and wanted to do silent practice with headphones or even keep things under control while practising it could be a useful tool.
Although it did sound like ass but you do need to keep in mind that it only costs $300. If you had a head and wanted to do silent practice with headphones or even keep things under control while practising it could be a useful tool.

That's a lot of money for "but the electronics work, so it's got that going for it, which is nice" hahah.
Not sure who you're quoting there. I think $300 for a load box and cab sim is pretty good, most load boxes are more than that.

True, but it still feels dishonest to market it as a cab replacer (called CAB CLONE) when the cab sim sounds like total garbage. If somebody shits all over the floor of your rental condo then charges you half price, you're getting a good value for the property, but you've still got shit all over your floor.
True, but it still feels dishonest to market it as a cab replacer (called CAB CLONE) when the cab sim sounds like total garbage. If somebody shits all over the floor of your rental condo then charges you half price, you're getting a good value for the property, but you've still got shit all over your floor.

I dunno I thought it sounded pretty darn decent in Ola's video.

Not super amazing, but not horrible. I have no need for it either way.
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I like how the Andertons guys didn't misrepresent their mic'd tones, at least.

smooth :lol:
Mesa should stick to improving their products and raping Europe on pricing, instead of fucking about with UK dealers and losing any kind of goodwill that they had in the first place.