this just upsets me


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
my friend was telling me last night that his enjoyment of Return of the King was hindered by these two thirteen year old girls behind him who were talking through the whole thing saying shit like "yo they gay" when sam and frodo were onscreen.

apparently his girlfriend turned around to shoosh them and one of them said to her "you better turn around before i slap you."

fucking teens
Baliset said:
that guy's martix:revolutions review had me in stiches!

:D! Yeah: "There's something about seeing "bullet-time" special effects in Lebanese music videos that doesn't make it cool anymore."

I'm a teenager! :(

But I also hate it when fucking jackasses go to the movies and make loud comments throughout the whole thing.

Like the ass sitting next to me kept making these remarks (things like "gee, ya think?" when Gollum warned Frodo that it was a long fall down to Cirith know, when they were climbing the stairs.) throughout the movie and then looked to his girlfriend like "huhuh look at how clever I am!"

Oh mANnnnnnnn that made me mad. Also they snuck in Burger King so I had to smell Whoppers w/ cheese and onion rings for the first hour or so. And the CRINKLING OF WRAPPERS. SDLFJD:J

I like Burger King and all but Return of the King is not the place for it. Sorry.
Yeah I never fail to be amazed at the inability for a room full of adults to sit still and be quiet for 3 hours. In the theatre I saw it someone two rows back (and I am seriously not in any way exaggerating) blew their nose every 5 minutes FOR THE DURATION OF THE FILM. By my calculations, that's around FORTY pieces of Kleenex compiled over the course of the movie. Buy some fucking Afrin or stay home, shitbird.
Here in Ohio I very very rarely have any problems with loud theater crowds and the one time I did I very loudly screamed "shut the fuck up!" and apparently the rest of the crowd enjoyed that so the asshat did indeed shut the fuck up.
actually, when i went to see "Adaptation" in New York City, I ended up sitting right next to a portly, middle-aged and noisy woman who bellow-gasped and didn't understand most of the movie (I know this because she loudly said, "Huh?" and "I don't get it" after several not-hard-to-understand moments; even better, she said those things in an insulted, combative manner, as if she was blaming and criticizing the film for outfoxing her, and looked around after each remark, expecting the rest of the audience to share her confusion and commiserate).
you guys don't have to deal with mom's reading the subtitles to young kids in the theaters like I do.

annoying as fuck.

As a side note, almost every movie I ever saw in Jersey was ruined by loud black people.
I'm one of the teenagers who doesn't talk during movies and scares the fuck out of people who don't shut up :)

Although I do admit to being responsible for most of the random explosion...

My advice:
make sure a tall friend wearing a leather trenchcoat is with you. or bitchslap them. I love using the line "I bet that's the first time you've ever been bitchslapped by a straight guy!"
i'll never watch this fucking movie, or any of these fucking movies ever again. same goes for matrix AND SNL. the shit, everyone, the shit... is fucked.
my wife got in a fight with two whigger teen girls at a movie a couple of years ago. she's only 5"1' but you seriously are out of your league if you are a suburban teen and you FUCK WITH A GIRL FROM SOUTH CENTRAL, YO BABY!

goatschool said:
i'll never watch this fucking movie, or any of these fucking movies ever again. same goes for matrix AND SNL. the shit, everyone, the shit... is fucked.
and Goatschool is from New England!