This kills the crab.

Think about it. A small amount of "meat" to be "cloned" and develop on it's own instead of slaughtering animals. Cows would still be used for milk and chickens for eggs...not sure what would happen to pigs though :P
If it involves killing, it is not funny.

Yes i am a bit of a hypocrite here, because i do eat fish and seafood (but no mammals and no birds/reptiles).
Think about it. A small amount of "meat" to be "cloned" and develop on it's own instead of slaughtering animals. Cows would still be used for milk and chickens for eggs...not sure what would happen to pigs though :P


You just have to modify the DNA to stop the organism producing any brain tissue.
Get over yourselves ..... Animals kill each other for sustenance, We are animals .. I hate all you PETA freaks ... its not like we are killing animals people keep as pets.

We kill COW's cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We Kill PIG's cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We kill CHICKENS cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We kill LAMBS cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We kill FISH cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop

Not like we are killing dogs' and cat's which there is a HUGE over abundance of in the world.

Well with a lot of these animals they are only so predominant because we breed them to eat en masse.

How useful are cows if not for burgers? I mean how many wild cows do you see out there?
Get over yourselves ..... Animals kill each other for sustenance, We are animals .. I hate all you PETA freaks ... its not like we are killing animals people keep as pets.

We kill COW's cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We Kill PIG's cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We kill CHICKENS cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We kill LAMBS cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop
We kill FISH cause there are a shitlload of em, when they are close extinction we will stop

Not like we are killing dogs' and cat's which there is a HUGE over abundance of in the world.


Uhhhh there are only a shitload of those animals because we specifically breed them in fairly terrible conditions so that we can eat whatever we want whenever we feel like it (because obviously wanting beef but only having pork available in the shops would be an OUTRAGE and human beings are far too important to not be allowed to choose exactly what they want to eat). Even then, we manage to overfarm the crap out of our artificially enlarged animal populations; see fish shortages, for example.

edit: i do need my milk though!
To be honest, having lived near a dairy I can tell you that I'd rather be a dead cow than a milked one. Those poor bastards live indoors 24/7, never see the light of day and plod about in their own shit.
Get over yourselves ..... Animals kill each other for sustenance, We are animals .. I hate all you PETA freaks ... its not like we are killing animals people keep as pets.

Animals do kill other animals but tell me this:
-Do animals breed other animals in confinement?
-Is it standard practice for animals to slowly and painfully mutilate and kill their prey or do they usually finish the job as swiftly as possible?
-Do animals have a choice (of food) like we do?
-Do animals force other animals to live among corpses and faeces?
-Do animals electrocute or burn(scold) alive other animals

I know what you are saying, I've used the "animals eat animals" argument myself (granted I was probably 14 at the time). I don't believe eating meat, eggs or milk is wrong but I do believe the ways we get them are wrong and that's an understatement.

I'm not a vegetarian (yet), mainly because I'm so used to eating meat (and it is for the most part healthy food) and because I've had few observations of the processes required to turn an animal into food. I can still remember that when I was little I witnessed the very sheep I had been playing with slaughtered in front of my eyes and it's head cut off, carried on a plate, while it's eyes were still blinking and the limbs on its headless body still kicking. Call me a sissy but it felt wrong back then and it still does today.

Please watch that video, you're free to disagree with their point of view but you'll probably learn to respect it.
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Once I start my career, I'm going back to being vegetarian. I was for 4 years, then decided to bulk up, so I'm back to meat. The significance of the career is that I'll be able to afford the extra protein supps I would need in order to maintain all the lean-ness I've gained.
It is about different levels of humanity/compassion.

Level 0 = killing members of your own species just for the one purpose - to eat them.
Level 1 = killing to eat everything except members of your own species.
Level 2 = seeing that other species (dogs, cats for example) can have their own spectator inside, their own consciousness, feelings, basic thoughts and excluding them from the kill to eat list.
Level 3 = eating only things that you are sure have none of the above traits/qualities (potatoes, eggs, very basic life forms like yeast in bread and mold in cheese).

I am about level 2.5

Most of you would think that vietnamese and chinese are barbarians, because they eat cute monkeys and puppies...
News flash ! Pigs are more intelligent than dogs, and some breeds are even kept as pets even though to you and me, they are ugly.
What makes you better than those nasty asians ?
<<< Worked in a slaughterhouse in texas. I know what its all about ....

Just for the record I also think the death penalty should be legal in every state and repeat offenders should be killed off and then their bodies left to rot in the prison that carried them. We treat our "prisoners" with way too much kindness. Prison is like a day spa .... Let these pricks rot in their own shit and die. They don't care about anyone else why should we care about them.

I am a firm believer in FUCK THOSE THAT FUCK YOU!

(here comes the wrongfully accused argument)

Oh and lions and tigers let their prey bleed out before eating it FYI.
I've never been fucked by a cow, but seeing as you have on camera before, I can see why you hate 'em ;)