This makes me sick, and I think brutal death metal artwork is funny

yeah, wierd as hell.
You hear about the girls that beat the shit out of another girl and recorded it all? Idiots
The sad part is people watch it and enjoy it. One question that came to my mind is that are we much different from the Romans and other ancient people? I think it is human nature to watch violence and others be abused and killed. Does everyone have a bit of sadism in them?
Life sentences to all proven to be involved with this in a way which would traumatize the girls, tbh. This is not forgivable.
I guess the chick that got beat down was talking smack on her myspace page. Thats why she got beat. lol.
Dont talk shit unless you can back it up. Especially to a group of people. :lol:
But still, those girls need fucking shot for that shit.
My brother played the youtube video in front of me... and I couldnt fucking watch the entire thing.. its so sickening. How COULD you possibly do what those cunts did? I'd personally fucking smash each one of their heads into pieces with a baseball bat VERY fucking gladly if I had the chance.
I think it does matter. What if someone thought that talking to unmarried women was a horrible sin and was absolutely wrong, and that men who did it should be imprisoned for life? You've been taught all your life that it's fine to talk to chicks. These guys may have been taught all their life it's fine to bang young girls. We're judging them by what we've been taught, not by some absolute right or wrong.
By the morals of the people who wrote said law. If the law had been written by these guys, it would be fine.

I agree with the law, I just think it's important to remember that someone with a different upbringing may have different concepts of right and wrong, and that this doesn't necessarily mean they're a bad person.
Things that cause trauma and social problems that affect people in averse ways are always fucking wrong with respect to law, even if your morals say they are right. I know you are just now probably opening your mind to the grayness of "right vs. wrong" but as far as traumatizing and horrible experiences go, there is no rational reason to let the people go without punishment, even if they were brought up to think otherwise.

Rape and murder is still bad by lawful standards evem if you're brought up learning it is great and amazing.