This makes me sick, and I think brutal death metal artwork is funny

No. The law DOES NOT determine right and wrong. It determines legal and illegal but it can NEVER determine morality.

Individuals don't have a free thinking--no bias at all anymore way to tell how they feel about certain topics, our moralities are based off Religious practices and laws
He makes it seem like laws and other ways of information do not affect a persons feeling of what's wrong and right, which I don't agree with at all.
Fail. It's based in the female moral feeling that both sexes are equal, sure, but quite a lot of men agree with it as well. Most men, nowadays. Are you trying to say that women shouldn't be equal?
It were a joke. I think women should be equal.

Individuals don't have a free thinking--no bias at all anymore, our moralities are based off Religious practices and laws
He makes it seem like laws and other ways of information do not affect a persons feeling of what's wrong and right, which I don't agree with at all.

No, I'm simply saying that the law DOESN'T DEFINE right and wrong. Take me for example - I'd have no problem, on any moral grounds, within' having sex with someone about 14ish but legally that is not going to fly.
By the morals of the people who wrote said law. If the law had been written by these guys, it would be fine.

I agree with the law, I just think it's important to remember that someone with a different upbringing may have different concepts of right and wrong, and that this doesn't necessarily mean they're a bad person.

You bring up a very good point, and it's something that many people refuse to focus on. I applaud you, because it's a daring viewpoint to take. Like InFlames, I don't agree with what happened; but I can understand a religious sect that might not see this as a terrible thing. What about all the older women who claim that nothing bad happened? Now, I agree that this is basically brainwashing; but still, it represents a sphere of influence that is very different from anything we can understand.

Things that cause trauma and social problems that affect people in averse ways are always fucking wrong with respect to law, even if your morals say they are right. I know you are just now probably opening your mind to the grayness of "right vs. wrong" but as far as traumatizing and horrible experiences go, there is no rational reason to let the people go without punishment, even if they were brought up to think otherwise.

Rape and murder is still bad by lawful standards evem if you're brought up learning it is great and amazing.

I agree. This however has implications on standards beyond national matters. We believe that we must intervene and stop all these terrible things happening to young girls. Doesn't that then justify attempts to invade foreign nations and impose cultural changes? For instance, if the foreign culture in question practices abuse of its women, human sacrifice and intentional murder of certain children?

what a stupid arguement. state/national defined morals aka laws supercede some hick ass church.

An argument that I ultimately agree with, but stated in a very ignorant way.
I agree. This however has implications on standards beyond national matters. We believe that we must intervene and stop all these terrible things happening to young girls. Doesn't that then justify attempts to invade foreign nations and impose cultural changes? For instance, if the foreign culture in question practices abuse of its women, human sacrifice and intentional murder of certain children?

Perhaps this should be moved to the philosophy forum...
My feeling is that economic sanctions are the best approach.