This may have been covered before (Jason Rullo question)


Silent Knight
Apr 28, 2002
Matthews, NC
Visit site
But Y doesn't Jason post up specs about his kit on the website? I mean we've got pictures floating around here.... but ummm..... you can only gather so much from pictures...... I'm a drummer and love to see what other drummers use. So.... whada say? Jason?

anyhoo... anyone know Y they haven't done this yet? Or have they mentioned that there going to do this??

Originally posted by TheSilentMan
But Y doesn't Jason post up specs about his kit on the website? I mean we've got pictures floating around here.... but ummm..... you can only gather so much from pictures...... I'm a drummer and love to see what other drummers use. So.... whada say? Jason?

anyhoo... anyone know Y they haven't done this yet? Or have they mentioned that there going to do this??


Jason Rullo uses Brady drums, DW drums, Sabian cymbals, Remo heads and Vic Firth sticks.
coolness..... thats a good summery of what he uses.... now then... what about the specifics.... ie... what kind of Sabian cymbals, what model of Vic Firth sticks, what model Remo heads (I'm gussing pinstripe here) it would be nice for a good shot of the set and a listing of all the stuff he uses.....
At the SF show (12/13), jason's bass drum had the "MDS" logo stamped on it (for sponsorship?). I think that stands for Modern Drum Shop, so he used that kit for at least 1 show.
From my drummer son.....he's not totally sure if this is right, but as he saw it at the Birch Hill show, Jason had a 7 piece set.

Bass drum
2 mounted toms
2 floor toms
Piccolo snare drum
Regular snare drum
2 hi-hats
1 Ride
A few crashes
1 splash, maybe 2

He uses Sabian cymbals.
when i saw him at his clinic in jersey, he was using a 7 piece. i think it was mixed drum companies, he mentiond that he is looking into a company, but he did not name what it was. he definatley used DW 9000 double pedals. sabian cymbals and vic firth sticks, also. once he gets it all worked out im sure he'll post a pic of it. i've seen him play DW drums, but im not sure if thats what he's goin to full-time, we'll see.