This must be a lame, late april fools joke.

It was obviously a joke, not even a funny one! I really want Labrie to quit. I like Mike's drumming. He's a shit writer though. They all are except for Myung, who is too fucking shy to do anything in life but play bass it seems.

As for the technology statements, I completely agree. I wish bands would just press the record button and play. I hate the copy/paste nonsense. I use a drum machine when writing, but would never seriously use it for an album, unless I wanted to purposely make it sound that way.

Except Petrucci writes most of the music even durring their prime. Mike just does stuff like consulting with arrangements and production. And im pretty sure myung has done just lyrics and maybe a few musical ideas durring I&W, WDADU and the Majesty days. Other than that, its Petrucci.
You can't say that in light of differences between albums with different keyboardists.

True that.

Kevin Moore and Derek Sherinian were far more tasteful than Rudess, whose addition to the band is why I believe their music turned into a wankfest circus beginning partially with Scenes From A Memory. There's no way Rudess didn't partake in the writing of some of those wanky, emotionless sections. The only album I really like by them since Falling Into Infinity is Train of Thought, which featured less Rudess.
Definitely. I really miss Martin Lopez, as I don't like the new guy as much (nor do I like their new guitarist, but that's another subject). Although I shouldn't blame just them; I didn't like the Watershed album much at all. But Lopez and Mendez were like one of the best rhythm sections in metal to me - they locked in so tight! And yes, Lopez was one hell of a dynamic drummer!

Definitely well said, but I do enjoy Watershed. It's not as great as some of their others, but I still find it to be a solid release.
The new drummer is a good fit, but I also prefer Lopez... especially on Ghost Reveries; Lopez's best performance, imo.
True that.

Kevin Moore and Derek Sherinian were far more tasteful than Rudess, whose addition to the band is why I believe their music turned into a wankfest circus beginning partially with Scenes From A Memory. There's no way Rudess didn't partake in the writing of some of those wanky, emotionless sections. The only album I really like by them since Falling Into Infinity is Train of Thought, which featured less Rudess.

SFAM a wankfest? Its their most focused album to date. Perhaps one of the most focused prog concept albums which i admit is a daring claim.
SFAM a wankfest? Its their most focused album to date. Perhaps one of the most focused prog concept albums which i admit is a daring claim.

Meh. To me the majority of the album has a wankier vibe to it than their previous stuff. It's not all wank, but it just has this "circus of showoffness" feel to it that I don't like. Just a bit too pretentious for my tastes.
I'd say JP is atleast as wanky as Rudess, and that they both contribute quite a bit on that section. I kinda like Rudess. If he could hold his fingers even a bit here and there, his playing could be enjoyable, there's definitely good moments like on Octavarium where he doesn't go berserk. He also seems to be a technical genius when it comes to anything synth related. I believe every good keyboardist needs to be bit of an engineer aswell.