this pissed me off..

:) turey joke heh accually the were fine ones.. ı was juzt very pissed of that moment accually ı greet those kinda jokes (dont push your chance though)

but ı cant stand something like that thread
i saw this list before, its from a site called stormclad, and the webmaster can be a pain in the ass to deal with. he's the typical politically correct you would encounter in tv/groceries (that actually happened to me once)/starbux (that one was obvious).

as far as his list, that was acutally a real list he meant deep down (in seriousness). although i can see where the stereotype is coming from, my experience was completely different with the metalheads i deal with. also, as a sidenote, the stormclad webmaster does listen to metal himself, although i don't know about these days.
tal shiar agent 930 said:
he's the typical politically correct you would encounter in tv/groceries (that actually happened to me once)/starbux (that one was obvious).
yeah, i thought so, especially when i read the things about machoism and jewish conspiracy! :lol:

[b said:
AxeOfDarkness[/b]]lmfao @ tomasz, so funny ima over look starting another manowar fight with mr.wolf up there
i didn't know we had one yet! but do i need to say more?

fur tanga and power metal for ever! :lol:
i love this review of one of their albums:

"Now that they were finally on a major label and had all of the benefits that went along with it (superior production, cover art, promotion, etc.), I believe Manowar were looking to cash in with Fighting The World. The album is extremely watered down compared to their three previous efforts, toning down the Manowar sound to try to appeal to a wider audience. I can't fault them for this, but it would also have been a good idea to tone down their "heavier than thou" attitude when they produced a record that was no more brutal than a Whitesnake album."