theres an upcoming riot on opeth's forum

Some of that pimping might help the Breaklose cd come out sooner. And there's advertising on this board too.
MetalAges said:
You were only banned from there. Most the time it would just be a site wide ban that's why I posted the warning here for others.

ah ok, but in all honesty now, we didnt do anything illegal haha, so much for freedom of speech
Maqus said:
Some of that pimping might help the Breaklose cd come out sooner. And there's advertising on this board too.

Any and all bands/music related people should b plugging in their sigs. It's tough enough to make it in this business just wishing for word of mouth. Ask the countless starving / day job working musicians out there.
MetalAges said:
I think any musician/music work related person would love to be able to make somewhat of a living revolving around something they love and have supported most their life than not eh?

there are ethical ways without lowering ones standards and sponging off others efforts you know
"Launched in 2000 with the express purpose of promoting the underground scene by trying our best to drag it above ground"

express purpose of putting money in the pocket more like, Which would be fine if youre honest about it, just dont put on the poor mouth or get all cagey when its pointed out that you provided a substandard service to your customers
breaklose said:
haha bambi where the fuck were you when i needed you to wind up the mopeths?

i cant be arsed with that shower of sad wasters, but challenging authority is what heavvy muttuls all about so im gonna stand my ground on this one in the name of nuclear assault :heh: