As a computer is programmed by humans, humans are programmed by their surroundings, of which a lot of those surroundings were created by humans.
Computers are the first intelligent non life form, or at least they are not a life form yet. Humans knowledge comes from learning from other humans - as does a computers knowledge. As technology advances at an exponential rate, the amount of information that can be processed also increases exponentially. Who is not to say that eventually, computers (or some form ie:robotics), which can see through man-made optics, will be able to assimilate information as well, if not better than humans? I don't think it's a far-fetched concept that at some future time, technology will overtake humans as the dominant species? I've always believed that mankind is creating their own demise - technology. Wars, bombs, they won't render mankind extinct - but technology? As humans begin to clone themselves, technology may begin to clone itself.
The possibility is there - IMO.