This Snare Sound (Romesh/Longwave)


I got a heads up I was being discussed here so thought I would quickly drop a message!

I spend a hell of a long time drum tuning, anyone who works with me will tell you that!

I will sometimes mix in a hit of the same snare underneath for consistency. But never replacing anything. It is still the real kit you hear. There would be no point me spending so long tuning if I was going to replace them.

Room is a big part of it, it provides a bulk of the decay sound and makes the hits sound a bit more consistent. There are ways of lessening that horrible cymbal wash in room mics. If anyone says that room mics are just full of cymbals, maybe you haven't used a good room. If you use a great room, you can usually get a pretty balanced sound in the room mics if you place them right.

I will also put mics in odd places (facing the floor, behind doors) etc to see if you can get some cool tones that add something to the sound.

I tend to love Emporer X snare heads on my sessions.

I love compressors with some "pop" to them that I will use for compression, SSL, distressors, 1176, 160, all capable of this!

Hope that helps.


Thanks a lot for popping in Romesh, really appreciate that. Good work!

I need a good room!

I got a heads up I was being discussed here so thought I would quickly drop a message!

I spend a hell of a long time drum tuning, anyone who works with me will tell you that!

I will sometimes mix in a hit of the same snare underneath for consistency. But never replacing anything. It is still the real kit you hear. There would be no point me spending so long tuning if I was going to replace them.

Room is a big part of it, it provides a bulk of the decay sound and makes the hits sound a bit more consistent. There are ways of lessening that horrible cymbal wash in room mics. If anyone says that room mics are just full of cymbals, maybe you haven't used a good room. If you use a great room, you can usually get a pretty balanced sound in the room mics if you place them right.

I will also put mics in odd places (facing the floor, behind doors) etc to see if you can get some cool tones that add something to the sound.

I tend to love Emporer X snare heads on my sessions.

I love compressors with some "pop" to them that I will use for compression, SSL, distressors, 1176, 160, all capable of this!

Hope that helps.


thanks man. keep it up!
Thanks for posting Romesh. It's refreshing to hear about someone getting great drum sounds at the source instead of just triggering everything.

You definitely seem to have a signature snare sound going on with that great drum room, you could probably make a pretty penny making some snare samples in Longwave and selling them here! (believe me I fully understand the irony of this after my first statement! :lol:)
Great work as usual Romesh, meant no disrespect. Just Uber impressed you manage to dial in a full snare like that in without sampling the room mics.