This whole nuclear thing


Warrior spirit
Apr 4, 2002
Under nordlyset
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Now, what's the big deal with this whole nuclear threath? What's everyone so worried about?
Look at the possible scenarios:
-India and Pakistan DONT nuke eachother. Life goes about as normal in the world. End of story.
-One nukes the other, which surrenders, and lots of people down there dies and are born disfigured for the next, say, 50 years. Rest of the world goes on as normal.
-They nuke eachother bigtime, the fallout spreads all across the world, and we all learn we've got approximately, say, 2 weeks to live.

What's there to be worried about????
Btw, no, I wasn't being sarcastic.

The world IS overpopulated anyhow, and what would you do with 2 weeks left to live? Except for being pissed abot Wacken 2002 being cancelled, that is...
I'd go out and have the time of my life! Imagine the whole world doing the same thing? HAVOC!
As shallow and harsh as it sounds ( :p ) i guess it's true... but i don't think the world would go on as if nothing had happened.
Actually, I can't contribute much to this thread since I don't know (or care?) about what is going on around. Hell, i don't even know what's going on inside! :p
I don't know much either, just that I heard India and Pakistan are waving nuclear fists at eachother, and that it seems they just might get to use them one of these days.
yeah, it's getting pretty hot over there.....lets just hope that Bush doesn't dive in waving the flag and spouting Christian rhetoric...
Originally posted by Sadistik
yeah, it's getting pretty hot over there.....lets just hope that Bush doesn't dive in waving the flag and spouting Christian rhetoric...

boy, ain't THAT the truth! If they DO detonate nuclear weapons I just hope they wait until Bush himself is over there - get him too and solve one very huge problem in this world. If it wouldn't be for the karmic debt, I'd kill the motherfucker myself. he has GOT to go - and soon. Where's one of those psychos when we need them?
...but Bush is nothing but a cover and a puppet... i mean, the man has an IQ of ±90 for god's sake! Getting rid of him solves nothing, they'll just replace him with someone else.
You never know what to believe
Trying to ram into the white house, which btw. is protected by concrete walls, several feet thick bulletproof glass, AA Artillery and a few hundred elite infantry units.
Originally posted by Vanir
Btw, no, I wasn't being sarcastic.

The world IS overpopulated anyhow, and what would you do with 2 weeks left to live? Except for being pissed abot Wacken 2002 being cancelled, that is...
I'd go out and have the time of my life! Imagine the whole world doing the same thing? HAVOC!

btw.. I was not being sarcastic either.
you're not gonna die sweetie, don't believe all the hype this country is so good at spreading. The Pakis are just talking big, they're not gonna do anything that drastic.
I've never worried about these things ever. People predicted
holocaust world over because of the war-u-know a decade ago,
and my mother went bananas during the Usa/Nato-Yugoslavia
war a few years ago... "We're all gonna die" she said.
"No", I said! Hooray for me :)
Early man walked away
as modern man took control
their minds weren't quite the same
to conquer was his goal

he built his own empire
and slaughtered his own kind
he died a confused man
killed himself with his own mind

we're gonna die...
of our own arrogance
(but I think it's a cover of some punk song...)
In the 80's that was much more likely to happen than it is now. If anyone were going to ever use nuclear weapons they would have used them then. It's just a very expensive way for these countries to gain street cred.
The Pakis think if they talk the big shit they'll get respect from the rest of the world. I think it's hysterical myself. They are probably more shit-scared of these weapons than rest of the world. Those people will perish if there's no more corner shops for them to operate.
Originally posted by phyre
This is slightly offtopic, and I don't know if you know about this, but this must be my #1 reason for disliking Bush:

"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."
-- Bush


That's so fucking narrow-minded. But we've all realized what a
pothead Bush is by now. He'll ruin USA even further....