This whole nuclear thing

Originally posted by phyre
"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."
-- Bush
well, coming from the man who thinks it's unamerican to be sad...
I haven't seen that quote from Bush but I can totally believe he said that. Ignorant fuck. If he wants to get technical, he is violating the constitutional right to freedom of religion by spouting off all this crap about this being a christian country and all that. Why doesn't the media pick him up on that? He has long ago pissed off this heathen. I live in florida - yes, but I can assure you it was NOY my vote that put that asshole in office. I wouldn't have voted for him if he were the only candidate.

and funny enough you know, the week before the karmic comeuppance last year my son comes home with this homework assignment - he has to interview me and my his dad about how we think Bush was doing so far as a president and write it to index cards to read to the class. husband was pretty tactful but he needed several cards to get down all what I had to say, none of it good either, and one of the things I said was that Bush is a warmonger and would have this country involved in a war inside a year. Turns out I was correct in my prediction. :lol:
Originally posted by Allison
I haven't seen that quote from Bush but I can totally believe he said that. Ignorant fuck. If he wants to get technical, he is violating the constitutional right to freedom of religion by spouting off all this crap about this being a christian country and all that. Why doesn't the media pick him up on that?

It's not a constitutional issue unless his statement is made into some sort of law. He didn't say that athiests ARE not citizens. Just that he doesn't consider them as such.

But I still don't think he said it.
Well, in his position he has no business commenting at all on such things. He talks from the ass anyway. He should just shut the fuck up and go back to his goat ranch in Texas.
Originally posted by phyre
This is slightly offtopic, and I don't know if you know about this, but this must be my #1 reason for disliking Bush:

"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."
-- Bush

That was actually Bush Sr. who said that....
agreed....It offends me to the core......fucking ridiculous how the US has worked so hard to help w/racial, sexual, and age discrimination but has just worked to make atheists second-class's ridiculous. If I mention my religous preferences to anyone in this country I'll get fucking chewed out....
Originally posted by Sadistik
That was actually Bush Sr. who said that....

I'm still waiting for a source.

Apparently Nixon said some really stupid shit in private (but was on some of the White House tapes). Some things about Jews and others. I'm still not sure if I should be pissed about it. I can't motivate myself enough to be bothered by it much though.