thoughts & comments wanted!!


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2004
I'm actually doing my very first mixing project and I would love to hear some comments and/or suggestions from you guys here on the board :cool:

here's the link:

I liked it. Is this a song of the band called Mindaleth? I disliked the lead guitar sound. There are other things I disliked about it, but I can't find words to describe it, surely others will fill my gap here.
No, it's not Mindaleth... Hmm, anything more concrete about the lead guitar sound? Can't get what you mean...
The guitars sound like they're buried and I think that the rhythm guitars are lacking some mid range. I actually think that the lead tone was fine, just needs a bit more volume. Overall, it has a lot of potential.
I like the music, sounds really cool!!!

I'm listening on Creative Labs consumer-grade PC speakers here at the office... so keep that in mind...

Mix wise, the vocals are too wet and need to be EQ'd and compressed so that they are differentiated from the guitars. Right now everything is kind of sitting in the same frequency space, and it's hard to tell what's going on musically as a result. Drums need to be louder overall, more compressed maybe too, they are sounding a little bit weak in the mix. I'd definitely look into messing with the EQ of the guitars as well, they're fighting the vocals as I stated before. It sounds like you have a nice full bass sound, but thereagain it feels like it needs more compression, and you may need to notch or roll off some of the subsonic stuff in there, it's a bit boomy and muddies up the mix.
Glad to hear that you like the music - I wrote it :). I suppose you mean the clean vocals that are too wet and that are sitting in the same frequency spectrum as the guitars?
FuryG said:
Glad to hear that you like the music - I wrote it :). I suppose you mean the clean vocals that are too wet and that are sitting in the same frequency spectrum as the guitars?

Yes, exactly. It's honestly hard for me to mentally seperate the vocals from the guitars!
You don't want your vocals to stand out too much though. Otherwise you will end up like those people who boast about how they have being working with Photoshop ever since they were in their Mother's womb.

What you need is for the vocals to be nestled in the music. 'Snug as a bug in a rug' would be one way to put it. Dry and 'big-ego-upfront-my-dad-is-famous-ok' vocals can seriously fuck up a mix.