thoughts on the new I, Cradle of Filth, Trivium, Borknager, my dying bride anyone?

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
love them all except the new borknager. for those that havent gotten it yet, its a folky acoustic album MUCH in vein of opeths damnation. everything is there except the mellotron. vokillz are a little annoying too.
I didn't even know the new Borknagar was completed already! I hope Century Media sends out the promos soon.
I've been looking forward to it for over a year already. Which song did they re-record? Don't worry, telling me won't spoil anything for me.
Borknagar IMO was meh... Acoustic isn't their thing.

Cradle of Filth, don't even have to listen to it to tell you its most likely gonna blow.

Trivium, same thing.

I, this fucking CD rules.

New My dying bride, Cd's pretty good I just can't get into it like I would say, As the flower withers.
looking forward to the new borknagar album a lot...but vintersorg's vocals sometimes annoy the hell out of me, but other times i think he kills.

new arsis late out for that one.
Absorb Yourself: I <3 "Earth Imagery" from the new borknagar
Absorb Yourself: though it sounds like he says "the flames enwrap my fiery jew"
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: I KNOW!!!!
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: HAHAHAHA
Absorb Yourself: hahaha
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: *laughs hard*
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: im glad i wasnt the only one to hear that!!
EricT said:
Borknagar IMO was meh... Acoustic isn't their thing.

Same here although I've only given it one listen. I think Green Carnation's Acoustic Verses album is the best acoustic album I've heard the last few years.
I like all these records, to be fair.

I've never totally been into Cradle of Filth, but they've released some nice material. The new Trivium is as showy stupid as its predecessor, but it has some catchy tunes.

New My dying bride and borknagar are pretty ace. :)