Thoughts on this?


New Metal Member
Aug 4, 2011
So, I'm sort of new here. I've only opened one other thread and the mix I posted was pretty awful... I don't know what I was thinking hahaha. I'm pretty satisfied with this, though. My band wants to drop this song Monday but I wanna make sure this mix sounds good first. Let me know what you think of it, what I can improve upon, etc.

EDIT: Here's the Dropbox link, I figured I might as well get one. Aftershave.mp3
I can't tell how loud it is due to the fact that Soundcloud limits songs now, so it's not as loud as the actual file. Guitars sound a bit out of tune on some parts, and the tone is a little cheap sounding. Vocals sound pretty good as well as the drums, overall not bad for a first-ish mix.
Ahh, had no idea SoundCloud did that, that makes sense now haha.
What do you mean by "cheap sounding?" I'm not offended or anything, I just don't know what that means.
i had to listen to it through my head phone since everyone is asleep, i think it sounds pretty good at least it does in my cans.will listen again later for sure..i like the song...but at the end maybe try a fade out so its ending isn't so abrupt
Yeah, we may end up switching up the ending a bit because I want to get rid of the last chorus as a whole. And thanks!
Haha thanks ^^^
kontrold: I'll check it out tonight when I get home.
Anyone else? Opinions? I'd like to make sure it's as good as it can be before we post it.
edit: used the wrong word! derp!

guitars sound a little muddy in the low mids. you could take a bit out and maybe then push the guitars a little louder if you wanted.
Did some more work to it. I took your advice, Firaxis.
How's it sound to you guys?
edit: used the wrong word! derp!

guitars sound a little muddy in the low mids. you could take a bit out and maybe then push the guitars a little louder if you wanted.

This is what I meant by cheap. Do a cut around 500-600 and you should be good to go.
sounding much better, maybe the guitars could be louder now though?

I can't really say too much more since I'm digging a pretty scooped mid sound atm, don't think that would fit with the style of music haha!
If anyone is interested in hearing the mix I ended up using, my band released the song Monday. - on our BandPage, it's called Iodine Aftershave.
Not asking anyone to "like" our page or anything, just check out the mix :)