THRASH and gt-75 awesomeness


Jul 13, 2010
I wanted to take a break from 5150/v30s so I tracked down a G12T-75 impulse and started jamming. I don't play thrash that often these days but I grew up on it! So much fun to do again!

I also pitchshifted it and the speaker actually sounds really good for low tuned stuff IMO, contrary to popular opinion. Incidentally, thrash completely turns into two step when it's slowed down. :lol:

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Ah man this is so up my street it's not even funny :lol:
I think you could have gone with a less modern/slappy kick sound personally. Something a bit more rigid and clicky! But that's my only gripe.

This is just testament (pun fully intended) to the fact that standard tuning (or close to) is so much less picky about signal chain. Playing down in C, or Bb etc... I dunno, I feel like the lower you go the more you're limiting your choices as to what's going to suit it. I could never get my old Marshall cab with T75's to sound half-decent with my 7 string, for example, but as soon as I plugged in my V and started playing thrash it was just right there in a heartbeat.

tl;dr - good job, sir!
Awesome stuff, what impulse are you using? I love me some GT75's. Also it's interesting how the song went from a fast thrashy song to a slow groove song with the speed.