
"Get those god damn videos ripped down Cobra style!" *shirt tearing hand motion*

Mate when he pulled out Gates to Purgatory and Walls of Jericho. Great albums but... thrash? C'mon J-Dawg! :lol:
His rants about other people nitpicking shit is hilarious. Calling mofo's posers and canoes :lol: His top 15 is kind of out there, and the reasoning behind the picks.....guy is too much, funny shit
Only a few weeks back Kerry claimed he hadn't spoken to Tom since the break up and now there is gigs?
Seems like a great way to run a band.
These guys lyrics have gotten hilariously cheesey...but man they still bring the riffs. Their album from a few years ago was great
Yeah dude for sure, and i think youre being generous too because i thought those lyrics were fucking cringe. I heard two tracks and was like "what the fuck?!" One of them did have some decent riffage(the one you posted in the 2014 thread), but i cant even say that about the other mid-paced chugger i heard.
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