Thread: Killer

*joins the club*

i'd kill anyone mother nature would ask me to kill, to help her with the natural selection. being her little helper, i can hope i won't be among the soon-to-be-eliminated ones :rolleyes:
I would kill my philosophy teacher from high school and would probably doing it by smashing her head against a wall
she made me hate philosophy
that's a shame, manuelgv. i was lucky: my philosophy professor was the best one i've ever had.
Wow, a running hit list..hmmm...I just hope this doesn't fall into the hands of the fuzz...

Anyway, I'd kill Jantos the Executioner because he stole my favorite sword, Orion. I'd just chop his head off and gain his power, like how it's done to any immortal. :)
I would killed to Pinochet (an old dictator)..... I guess I would look for inspiration at some Cannibal Corpse`s song......Perhaps I would rape him with a knife....:mad:
well, i would like to kill my ex, but before i do it i want to abuse him...

i want him to be naked i want to catch his nipple,but just the end of the nipple...
i want to spill on him bucket of hot wall-color i want to kick his abdomen and catch him from the hair and beat his head on my cupboard i want to put his head in the toilet bowl because i dont want him to dirty my home with his blood, and finally... the cream
i want to stick him hot safety pin in the hole of him dick
and kill him in 1 prick.
Originally posted by Mischievous
I would killed to Pinochet (an old dictator)
Can I assume your Chilean heritage? :lol: My wife would support you fully. Hell, I'll even support you. Kill the "demented" old bastard!

So which one person would I like to kill? Let me whittle down my list and get back to you
Originally posted by sexualist death
well, i would like to kill my ex, but before i do it i want to abuse him...

i want him to be naked i want to catch his nipple,but just the end of the nipple...
i want to spill on him bucket of hot wall-color i want to kick his abdomen and catch him from the hair and beat his head on my cupboard i want to put his head in the toilet bowl because i dont want him to dirty my home with his blood, and finally... the cream
i want to stick him hot safety pin in the hole of him dick
and kill him in 1 prick.
As long as you're not bitter... :D :p :)
Originally posted by sexualist death
is this look like embitterment?!!! :lol:
:lol: Yeh, just a bit. But not much - I mean you only got 6 lines out of it. Real bitterness would make it pages long. ;) Go on, stir up that aggressiveness and really get nasty...
hmmmm i think i would like to kill george bush, no offence to any americans here because most of you are great people....but seriously??!?!?!? george really is a fucking waste of space!

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