Three bands you'd love to see play the first time at Progpower

Eidolon--Now that Shawn is out of Megadeth, maybe there's a chance that this band will actually release a new full-length album. Besides, Nils K. Rue is a favorite at this festival, so why not have him come back with these guys?

Tony Martin--Here's a guy with quite a history and a tremendous back catalog. He hasn't performed in this country in years, which is an absolute travesty.

Mekong Delta--I'm not sure if this band is really up Glenn's alley, but they've been doing the technical thrash thing longer and better than most bands.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I love the idea of Triptykon or My Dying Bride, but can't see either ever being asked. Within the realm of bands who could be on Glenn's radar:

Grand Magus
Savage Messiah

EDIT: Iris Divine
Edit: Oops I see these are supposed to be bands that have never played ProgPower, and two of the ones I picked earlier have already played. So I'll revise my choices.

Grave Digger
Lynch Mob
Yngwie Malmsteen
Metal Church - When Mike Howe fronted the band, they were my absolute favorite. Huge catalog of awesome songs.
Subsignal - While not Sieges Even, it is a band formed from the ashes of Sieges Even with the same singer and guitarist.
Serious Black - If Urban breed is involved, it's always kick ass.... period. SB is no exception.

I love the idea of Triptykon or My Dying Bride, but can't see either ever being asked. Within the realm of bands who could be on Glenn's radar:

Grand Magus
Savage Messiah

Oooh .. Cynthesis. . Nice choice. I like the Savage Messiah pick as well. I'm guessing they would tear the place up. Grand Magus seems like a band that's long overdue for Prog Power.

Not really a "band" but the performance I'd like to see the most at a future PP is a killer set with songs from the 4 albums by ALLEN / LANDE. Now that would be GREAT!