Three bands you'd love to see return to Progpower.

Edguy--They haven't played the festival in over ten years. I know that their last four albums have had mixed reviews, but I think that enough people enjoy their newer material and that enough other people enjoy their earlier material to make them a welcome band in the future.

Nightingale--It's been over thirteen years since this band last played the festival, and I think that they're more revered now than they were then.

Secret Sphere--I know that they weren't the best live band when they performed at the festival over eleven years ago, but they've made some pretty big strides over the past four years, and with Michelle Luppi as their current singer, they received the kick in the ass that they need to go over very well if given another chance.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Another vote for Threshold. Whuddyamen "put my money where my mouth is," Glenn? Um... (buys another shiny thing like a moron, fails to become a sponsor yet again)

My other choice would be Therion, who owned like I didn't think possible last time they played.
Serenity - A more recent attendee, but an amazingly polished performance.

Amorphis - Still cranking out their unique sound, and they were a great headliner.

Nightingale - 15 years later hardly qualifies as "returning".

Steve in Philly

P.S. - I heard a rumor (in this thread) that the promoter is putting together an Ark reunion! :)
Nightingale--It's been over thirteen years since this band last played the festival, and I think that they're more revered now than they were then.
Did you catch that original set? Dan stood up there in front of a music stand, turning pages of sheet music as he played. I have a ton of respect for Swano, both as a musician and a producer. However, if you're getting paid to play live music, have enough respect for your audience to memorize your music.