Three days of Anathema began last night!

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Went to DC with Laura, met up with Karen.

Anathema's full band couldn't make it because of Visa issues due to the postponing of their South American dates, but Danny was equipped with his looping pedal. He used that motherfucker like he was a looping genius. They seriously didn't need the rest of the band.

Vincent was fucking ON!

Thin Air
Angels Walk Among Us
Fragile Dreams
Lost Control
One Last Goodbye

Tonight, i'll see them again in Philly, then again in NYC on my birthday on Friday.
Great setlist. Always wanted to see Anathema, and passed up on an opportunity to see them in Glasgow a while back... I regret it. Are these the shows they're doing with Blackfield?
yep. they're with blackfield, who honestly bored me. I only know theiir first cd, and what i heard of their second and third didn't fellate my ears like their predecessor. I'll give them a fair treatment tonight in philly, though. i had to leave the stage area immediately after the Cavanagh's set to meet them at the merch booth. Perhaps the usual thing happened where the distance from the stage decreased the energy and enjoyability. Since i got everything signed last night, i don't feel the need to do it again... Until tomorrow's show in ny, that is!
have fun listening to aviv do his vocal goat bleet vibrato.

edit: seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him?


the chorus of this one is unbearable ONLY because of the sheep vocals. Also, there is a moment on the new one where he sings "I was in panic/Paris(?) there" which he does in both a horrible accent and with that disgusting vibrato thing. I can't express my hatred of that enough.
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Last night was amazing... I am still on cloud 9... Seriously.
And the fact that I am going to see them again tomorrow in New York makes me so happy..

Anathema were INCREDIBLE. Like Will said: no offense to the rest of the band but Danny and Vincent pulled it off wonderfully on their own, and they sounded simply brilliant. wow. Just... wow...

I'm disappointed Will said Blackfield bored him: I thought they were amazing!
Will, I hope you'll give them a second chance tonight and tomorrow in New York... They were really amazing in DC!

A nice surprise for me while Blackfield were playing was to find one of my oldest friends, whom I haven't seen since 2008 when I visited Israel, being the guitar tech for Steven Wilson and Aviv Gefen... Good times!
I realized this half way through their set and ran to him at the side of the stage and we were both screaming and hugging... drew attention haha!
Good times!
Excited to hang out with him tomorrow during sound check and dinner and during the show :) Nice surprise :)

Will: call me when you get to the city.

EDIT: Max, are you coming also?
Seen Danny do his solo tours where it's JUST HIM on stage with his looping pedal, and he plays better with that thing than most bands can play together.

It really is a shame you guys don't get to see them more often...they're always playing here at least once a year and I go just about every time, and every time it's as special as the first.