Through the year with Opeth


Suboptimization Expert
Mar 31, 2006
NRW, Germany
This is a bit of a silly thread, I know, but ... wtf

I was listening to Forest of October this morning when I thought, well, there's also Dirge for November. Such things make me curious sometimes so I asked myself if there are more references to months or seasons in the titles or lyrics of Opeth songs and came up with the following playlist:

April Ethereal
The Sigh of Summer (The Moor)
Summer is miles and miles away (In My Time of Need)
Demon of the Fall
Forest of October
Dirge for November
We enter Winter once again (The Leper Affinity)

Any more suggestions?
Jaded and gaunt, some September/Cloak of autumn shroud - TNATSW

This skin is old and stained by late September rains - Patterns In The Ivy 2
Into The Frost Of Winter

Yeah, right! Completely forgot about that one.

Jaded and gaunt, some September/Cloak of autumn shroud - TNATSW

This skin is old and stained by late September rains - Patterns In The Ivy 2

Thanks! That's great bc September is my favourite month :).

So, here's an updated playlist:

April Ethereal
The Sigh of Summer (The Moor)
Summer is miles and miles away (In My Time of Need)
Demon of the Fall
Cloak of Autumn Shroud (TNATSW)
Late September Rains (Patterns in the Ivy 2)
Forest of October
Dirge for November
Into the Frost of Winter
We enter Winter once again (The Leper Affinity)
MAYH follows the seasons of the year in the lyrics...

Yeah, you're right. I checked it on the net:

Prologue ends with: "I knew it was the coming of spring, thus our APRIL ETHEREAL."
The Amen Corner starts with: "White summer. So far I have gone to see you again."
Demon Of The Fall ... well, the title's saying it already, but there's also the line "Torn by the arrival of Autumn."
Karma ends with: "Draped within a fate I could not change, and always welcoming Winter's EPILOGUE."
where im living atm theres no summer , autumn or spring.. only the frost of winter.. at first its kinda depressing but its a matter of months till u get accustom.
There's another one in The Leper Affinity: "Lost are the days of Spring"

Patterns in the Ivy II: "Summer's gone, the day is done soon comes the night"
and "Veiled in the darkness of this fall" although here in England we call fall "Autumn" so I dunno if that's in context to autumn or just the other meaning of fall?

The Twilight is My Robe: "While the winds of winter sleeps gently around"

Under the Weeping Moon: "Burn the winter landmarks"

BTPISIO: "In this endless winter of souls"

I can't be arsed to look for more at the mo =P
I could only find one that was unmentioned:

In the mist she was standing - "Under a whatching autumn eye"
Does "the sun sets forever, on Blackwater Park" count as a new season of prepetual night? ...or an Alaskan Winter maybe?

Actually, I was hoping to find a reason to end the playlist with Blackwater Park :). Yet, I think that's stretching it too much.

Well, thank you all for contributing! :rock: There are now much more suggestions then I expected and some songs mention more than one season/month, so I'll/we'll have to make some decisions as to what to include at what place and what not to include ... If I/we include everything we'll soon have a playlist of all Opeth songs. However, I don't have time at the moment to figure that out bc I'm at work. I'll see what I can do when I'm at home.
Congratulations! You've found them all :)

I did a complete check against the lyrics only to find that all references to months and seasons have already been mentioned except for two redundant ones ("Torn by the arrival of Autumn" - DotF, "Wandering through April's fire" - AE). Thus we have lots of references to Autum and Winter, some for Summer, and two for Spring. Of the twelve months eight are never mentioned, two are mentioned twice and two are mentioned only once.

While everybody can make their own playlist from these findings, here's my definite Opeth-through-the-year playlist:

Lost are the days of Spring (TLA)
April Ethereal
The Sigh of Summer (The Moor)
Jaded and gaunt, some September (TNATSW)
Demon of the Fall
Forest of October
Dirge for November
Into The Frost Of Winter

Some oddities:

In Deliverance and Damnation there is only one reference to a month/season on each album. In GR there is none.

The word "may" does not occur on any Opeth album. The letters "m-a-y" only ever appear as part of the word "dismay", which is used pretty often.