Throw away your Tubescreamers...

This is pretty much a vintage TS808 with one addition - a 'clean blend' knob that allows you to mix in some of your unprocessed signal. Neat on its own, but for amp tightening that clean blend is bloody useless. You can do the same thing with a TS7 and one more bloody knob for eighty bucks less.

This is pretty much a vintage TS808 with one addition - a 'clean blend' knob that allows you to mix in some of your unprocessed signal. Neat on its own, but for amp tightening that clean blend is bloody useless. You can do the same thing with a TS7 and one more bloody knob for eighty bucks less.


I actually find the clean knob adds a great deal of clarity to my sound, brings out an almost VHT like unforgivingness in my tone that sharpens every note you play and reveals every mistake. Forces me to play cleaner, I like it! Plus it's an extremely high quality pedal handwired in California... I definitely like it better than my Maxon OD808 or my Boss SD1...

I'd record clips but I don't have any mics worth using since I do all of my guitar recording direct for the moment... Just go to GC and pick one up and return it after giving it a whirl, I borrow all my gear from the guitar store, haha...
If I wanted that (I know what you're talking about, but somehow with my JB, D Sonic, and D Activator I don't need to add clean sound to get that kind of clarity) I'd just get a cheap volume pedal and wire it up to be a blend control. I don't like spending that kind of money on anything - that kind of money would feed me for two weeks.
