Thunder God T-Shirt Sizes

Hello, I was wonder about the sizes in T-shirts. When I buy a t-shirt, I don't go buy small medium, large, etc, I go by How long they are. Would anybody be able to use a ruler and measure the length from neck to the bottom of it? Thank you!

[Edit] I'm thinking I'm going to buy a Medium, so if you could measure that, it would be great!
If not, I could wait for a measure of Large and Small and if they wouldn't fit, I could use the medium, So thank you again!
American and European shirt sizes are different. Different companies will also offer different sizing but use the terms small, medium and large.

If you're ordering online, it's better if you email the place that you'll be ordering from.
If you're getting a shirt at the show, just ask the merch guy to let you check out the shirt.
I got a medium pure viking tshirt at the TotTG show and it ended up being almost uncomfortably short...not sure about the tour shirts though. I should have know better I usually stick to large and even though I occasionally end up with something baggy as...well i'll let you fill in the simile, in general large is comfortable for me (I'm 6 foot-ish)
I measure 25 1/2" from the middle (lowest point) of the collar to the bottom of the shirt. It's an American Large and I've had it since the fall so you can imagine how many times it's been washed. Sorry I don't have a medium.

Also, I'm about 6'1" and pretty skinny. The shirt fits me perfectly and I wear my shirts tighter than most people, though I do wear a medium shirt when I work out and stuff like that. Not sure how helpful that was.