Thunderfist opening for The Iron Maidens - opinions?

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Just saw this on The Zephyr website. Anyone here seen Thunderfist before? If so, any tidbits you wish to share about them?

They are listed as the opener for both Fri 5/2 and Sat 5/3.
BTW, gig is $10 advance $12 day of show...
Dude, really???


Thunderfist is one of Utah's top punk bands. Although I haven't heard them personaly, they have gotten some good reviews.

Funny having a punk band open the show, I have some theories as to how this came about... :loco:

Personally, I feel Katagory V would have complimented the show much more than any other band here in Utah! :p
Well...hehehehe... In my oinion anyway. :D

It's going to be a killer show regardless!

Oh, my goodness! That was the most energetic Utah crowd I've ever seen in a club setting. The Maidens were awesome as always, and by the last few songs many in the audience were singing along with Jen!!!

And for a punk band, Thunderfist didn't do badly either...
Thunderfist seemed quite good at what they do, but they didn't fit the gig, I don't think.

The Maidens, though, were sensational (my review's on their forum if anyone's not seen it yet, and also on the official Maiden board).
The maidens were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
Thunderfist wasn't bad at all..though I agree they don't fit the bill (which is a given..)

I still think Kat 5 shoulda opened the gig...

I'm heading over to tread the review of the show on the Maiden's forum!
