Iron Maidens Galaxy Theatre

With the studio recording and all the other activities Linda probably just hasn't gotten around to announcing it.

Quite a flurry of shows now after a bit of a dry spell and she keeps hinting in some threads that there is even more cool stuff going on. :kickass:

Damn, we can't keep nothin from you guys huh! :cool: Ya, the Galaxy is on, but it's still only February so it's a few months away. We don't usually list stuff that far ahead.......:rock: YES, LOTS of really cool stuff coming up! Keep checking back. It will all be revealed over time, I promise!
Me too I live real close to the Galaxy.

The MAIDENS are playing out in Riverside @ TREMORS SAT. March 3rd.
1329 University Ave.
Riverside{Next to Cask&Cleaver
From 91 FrwyExit University.Go North.
Located on the left before Iowa St. In back next to Cask&Cleaver.

along wth Hell Bent for Leather/Trib to Judas Priest/Train of thought/Shameless Edens Ounslught/etc

Did anyone remember when GWAR played the GALAXY?