what's with us.. well for me I'm just tired of all the perv things you have to say about the girls and such.. enough already.. please.. part of the reason I'm not on this board much...

I guess I was a lot tamer when I had a girlfriend to keep me in line.
You know what? I'm fucking joking! Do you really think I am drooling over any of the members of the band like some dirty old man? Well, I'm not! Please! I don't have a problem meeting girls, and the way the ladies dress or look has nothing to do with why I see them play. I respect them in the highest regard as excellent musicians and fine people.

You don't like my jokes? Well, that's fine. Maybe some of you aren't as playful as I thought. I will leave this forum, and never post here again.

So long folks.

See you at the next show.

Wowie, last night was fun fun fun and the set list was a super long one!!!!! The Galaxy staff REALLY know how to take care of a band :notworthy and Santa Ana has some very energetic and Maiden crazy people!!! LOTS of younger folks :rock:! Can't wait to do it again! TY to all who helped out and all who showed up! Cheers!

Set list:

Courtney's Guitar Solo \m/

i had to be up in gorman this morning for a friend's baptism.

so "women in uniform" was the new one, huh? and "22 acacia avenue" the one not played in a long time?

anyone have any pix of my friend xtina onstage as female eddie?
Hi Guys -

I saw the Galaxy show on Saturday night.

I used to go to a lot of your shows, esp. in San Diego (Canes) and generally have caught the Galaxy shows in the past.

I am saying this only in the interest of some unbiased non-fanboi feedback.

For some reason, the last 2 Galaxy shows, the mix has been *really* muddy. Last night I was back behind the soundboard, and it was still really muddy for most songs. Yes, the vocals were on top, and the drums were loud. But the guitars and bass were just a big bunch of mush in a lot of the songs.

Only on the slower passages (like the intro to Murders In The Rue Morgue, or the start of Prisoner) could you really make out the individual instruments. Wanda's bass was really lost during most of the gallops.

It's a shame, because the new Bruce Chickinson sings really well, and the new Adrienne Smith (metal bikini girl) was really shredding it up on solos.

You guys really deserve to be heard clear, tight, and well-mixed.

Also, what it's worth, I know Heather Baker was a stand in (where was Sarah?), but as technically proficient as she is, she just didn't have a lot of stage presence / zazz. Maybe she was tired or just getting back on the horse. But in a bigger venue like the Galaxy you have to amp it up sometimes. Maybe not to the extent of the bassist in the opening metal-cover band, who ended up laying on his back on the stage while playing, but a little ;)

Anyway, here's hoping things get better next go round. I still love what you guys do.
i had to be up in gorman this morning for a friend's baptism.

so "women in uniform" was the new one, huh? and "22 acacia avenue" the one not played in a long time?

anyone have any pix of my friend xtina onstage as female eddie?

22 was played at the last Paladino's show. I think the not played in long time ones were Be Quick Or Be Dead, Murders and probably a couple of others like Transylvania etc.

Also, what it's worth, I know Heather Baker was a stand in (where was Sarah?), but as technically proficient as she is, she just didn't have a lot of stage presence / zazz. Maybe she was tired or just getting back on the horse. But in a bigger venue like the Galaxy you have to amp it up sometimes. Maybe not to the extent of the bassist in the opening metal-cover band, who ended up laying on his back on the stage while playing, but a little ;)

I am very surprised to hear that cos Heather always had wonderful stage prescence - jumping about the stage like nutter or playing whilst in Chris' shoulders etc. There must have been something not right with her.
i dont know what he is talking about bc every time i looked over at heather she was head banging and on the riser as much as i was... Heather is so much fun to share the stage with. :) <3 always cool to have two adrians on stage hahaha we are always in two places at the same time!

I am very surprised to hear that cos Heather always had wonderful stage prescence - jumping about the stage like nutter or playing whilst in Chris' shoulders etc. There must have been something not right with her.[/QUOTE]

See maybe that is the problem. Heather has done all of these fun looking stunts onstage in the past and now people expect it every time. Maybe she just felt like being more low key the other night.

What is that saying "something about the more you do the more they expect".
WOW!!!! People just don't get Jeremy, or acujer, on these boards!!! At the next show, take time to talk to the man. He is really REALLY fucking cool. He is no Maidens perv, that is for sure. Sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm... I had the pleasure of meeting Jeremy and hanging out with him at Paladino's when I was home. I had a blast! If I didn't have to fly out that weekend, I would have enjoyed going out and getting hammered with him that weekend. I look forward to hanging with him when I make it back Stateside again.
It is so not about the Maidens being hot chicks with him. We had fun critiqueing ( sorry, can't spell) the many drunk dudes pickup techniques at the meet and greet table. Drunk, wobbling, drink spilling, and drooling seems to not work! lol!! It is about the quality of the musicianship of these talented ladies. We talked about Linda's drumming and came to the conclusion that she is one of the best drummer's around doesn't matter what sex she is. The same goes for all the girls in the band. They are all EXTREMELY (I hate that word!) talented musicians and stage performers. They just happen to be good looking, too. This is 2010 and things like skin color and sex should not matter when discussing the merits of musicians and it doesn't with acujer.
Just cut the guy some slack, he ain't a perv. we make fun of the drunken "show your tits!" first timers that shut the fuck up as soon as the band starts to kick ass. we all seen 'em and heard 'em. HE ain't one of 'em.
WOW!!!! People just don't get Jeremy, or acujer, on these boards!!! At the next show, take time to talk to the man. He is really REALLY fucking cool. He is no Maidens perv, that is for sure. Sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm... I had the pleasure of meeting Jeremy and hanging out with him at Paladino's when I was home. I had a blast! If I didn't have to fly out that weekend, I would have enjoyed going out and getting hammered with him that weekend. I look forward to hanging with him when I make it back Stateside again.
It is so not about the Maidens being hot chicks with him. We had fun critiqueing ( sorry, can't spell) the many drunk dudes pickup techniques at the meet and greet table. Drunk, wobbling, drink spilling, and drooling seems to not work! lol!! It is about the quality of the musicianship of these talented ladies. We talked about Linda's drumming and came to the conclusion that she is one of the best drummer's around doesn't matter what sex she is. The same goes for all the girls in the band. They are all EXTREMELY (I hate that word!) talented musicians and stage performers. They just happen to be good looking, too. This is 2010 and things like skin color and sex should not matter when discussing the merits of musicians and it doesn't with acujer.
Just cut the guy some slack, he ain't a perv. we make fun of the drunken "show your tits!" first timers that shut the fuck up as soon as the band starts to kick ass. we all seen 'em and heard 'em. HE ain't one of 'em.


Giggity Giggity!

What? Acujer Jeremy isn't really a perv?? :cry: :erk: What's next--someone gonna tell me there's no frickin Easter Bunny either?!

Nah, I get you, dude. And I think you're funny as hell. Truly! I appreciate your support for the band, too. :kickass:

And I think Heather deserves Big Props for her Galaxy performance! The fact that she has learned all Dave's parts when she's used to playing Adrian's--and on short notice--is nothing short of phenomenal. And she did it all with a great, professional attitude and loads of on-stage panache! Certainly, her stage presence differs from Sara's but is no less captivating or charismatic. :rock::notworthy
'''WOW!!!! People just don't get Jeremy, or acujer, on these boards!!! At the next show, take time to talk to the man. He is really REALLY fucking cool. He is no Maidens perv, that is for sure. Sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm... I had the pleasure of meeting Jeremy and hanging out with him at Paladino's when I was home. I had a blast! If I didn't have to fly out that weekend, I would have enjoyed going out and getting hammered with him that weekend. I look forward to hanging with him when I make it back Stateside again.
It is so not about the Maidens being hot chicks with him. We had fun critiqueing ( sorry, can't spell) the many drunk dudes pickup techniques at the meet and greet table. Drunk, wobbling, drink spilling, and drooling seems to not work! lol!! It is about the quality of the musicianship of these talented ladies. We talked about Linda's drumming and came to the conclusion that she is one of the'' best drummer's around doesn't matter what sex she is. The same goes for all the girls in the band. They are all EXTREMELY (I hate that word!) talented musicians and stage performers. They just happen to be good looking, too. This is 2010 and things like skin color and sex should not matter when discussing the merits of musicians and it doesn't with acujer.
Just cut the guy some slack, he ain't a perv. we make fun of the drunken "show your tits!" first timers that shut the fuck up as soon as the band starts to kick ass. we all seen 'em and heard 'em. HE ain't one of 'em.''

""What? Acujer Jeremy isn't really a perv?? What's next--someone gonna tell me there's no frickin Easter Bunny either?!

Nah, I get you, dude. And I think you're funny as hell. Truly! I appreciate your support for the band, too. ''

WOW....thanks.. I'm done...
This was my first time seeing the Maidens, and I was completely blown away! Every single member played with such enthusiasm, passion, and sheer talent that it was a true tribute to the greatest metal band of all time. I remarked to my friend how difficult it must have been for Heather to learn all of the other guitar parts that she wasn't used to playing, and she nailed Dave's parts with no problem! Courtney's guitar work was outstanding, and I was amazed by Wanda's bass chops! Linda hit every beat just like Nicko, and the vocal highlight of the show was Kirsten's unbelievable performance on Aces High. The setlist was incredible, and I can't wait for the next show! I'm planning on going to the show in Redondo, so I hope to see everyone there!

Awesome!!! I shall add them to the sticky thread.

And I agree with John, Acujer is actually really cool in person.

He doesn't do much to help his cause Jenna.As you know he has been nothing but a douche bag to me on this board.For example my enthusiasm for the new Journey dvd, and in my mention of the anniversary of the first Black Sabbath album, plus the "Bring Metallicat to CA." thread.