

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Not a word. I used it earlier today.

thus·ly ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thsl)
adv. Usage Problem


Usage Note: Thusly was introduced in the 19th century as an alternative to thus in sentences such as Hold it thus or He put it thus. It appears to have first been used by humorists, who may have been echoing the speech of poorly educated people straining to sound stylish. The word has subsequently gained some currency in educated usage, but it is still often regarded as incorrect. A large majority of the Usage Panel found it unacceptable in an earlier survey. In formal writing thus can still be used as in the examples above; in other styles this way, like this, and other such expressions are more natural.

Irregardless, this post is more better likely funner then most spam. :loco:
There's like 6 spelling / grammar / usage errors in that bottom sentence, I was trying to be clever. :Spin:
NAD said:
There's like 6 spelling / grammar / usage errors in that bottom sentence, I was trying to be clever. :Spin:
i know, i caught that but that one word really does bother me =/
kinda like the word 'moist'
yea, i'm strange so what
Hearing "more better" and "irregardless" generally make me hit people. I used to yell at this one friend of mine when we were 8 because he said "more better" all the damn time.

He was a tubby bitch, we later renamed him Titty Boy, because he was a boy that had titties.
Yeah I've seen that in the dictionary before, something like "improper, but due to popular use is accepted." When did the grammar police lose their soul?
Bryson's written some great's an excerpt from Neither Here Nor There, as he looks at inflatable sex dolls in Hamburg, Germany:

"In large lurid letters the box listed Aphrodite's many features: "LIFE-SIZE" "SOFT FLESHLIKE SKIN!" "INVITING ANUS!" (Beg pardon?) "MOVEABLE EYES!" (Ugh!) "LUSCIOUS VAGINA!" and for those who missed it the first time around, "LUSCIOUS VAGINA THAT VIBRATES ON YOUR COMMAND!"

"Yeah, but can she cook?" I thought." - Bill Bryson
"Go and tell your master that we have been charged by God on a sacred quest! We seek his aid in finding the Holy Grail!"

"Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen-uh... we've already got one, you see!"

"He said they've already got one!"

"Already got one????"

"Oh yes, it's a-very nice-uh!"
"Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate!?"

I would say that's my favorite scene in the movie, but I could say that about any scene. Probably my favorite comedy ever.